I have tied a bunch of flies for bonefish trips in the past. Gotchas, Mantis shrimps, Spawning shrimps, etc. One thing that I have never understood is the use of bead chain eyes or dumbbell eyes as the weight for the flies. The bead chain or dumbbell is positioned near the eye of the hook for these flies, like when tying a Clouser, but shrimp do not have eyes in that location. The artificial shrimp eyes are tied in near the bend of the hook, where the eyes would naturally be. Why do we tie in weighted eyes up by the hook eye where shrimp do not have their eyes? It does not seem natural. I have been thinking about just using lead wraps as weight for some mantis shrimp flies that I will use for deeper water. Tying in bead chain eyes for flies in skinnier water may make sense as it flips the hook point up. Maybe that creates less snags, but it seems like an inelegant way to do it. Just wanted to share my thoughts and see if anyone had some thoughts as well. Thanks.