I'd also like to hear some updated info on Davis and Frenchman. Been a while since anyone posted anything about it.
Crowley would be interesting. It's gonna be a long trip to get over there from the Bay Area/NorCal since the southern mountain passes are no where close to being open but it you've got the time it could be fun.
If you do go the Hwy. 395 route then check out Convict Lake and the June Lakes Loop. I've seen recent videos of people fly fishing them and it could be good. The June Lakes kick out some huge fish on occasion. Twin Lakes near Bridgeport is open and supposed to be OK according to Ken's Sporting Goods in Bridgeport. No access to Virginia Lakes yet.
I looked around Eagle Lake a few weeks ago. It was very, very low especially at the north end. Pine Creek was raging but it's going to take a lot of water to bring it back up. The folks at the RV store said that the south end of Eagle had come up a bit. I used to like to go up there the weekend after the opener and generally had good luck. If you know how to fly fish Eagle (walking the shoreline or float tubing) it might be worth checking out and the campgrounds will probably be uncrowded.
It's too early for the Hex at Almanor but its got lots of fish nonetheless. You might find a cove or two that produces. The west-side campgrounds that I looked at a few weeks ago were closed and still had a lot of snow. Not sure what the campground situation is currently.
Last edited by loose_shoes; 05-31-2023 at 11:04 AM.
“Behind mountains, more mountains.” - Haitian proverb