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Thread: Fins With Waders

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Red Bluff

    Default Fins With Waders

    I recently purchased a raft and want to use fins and especially want to protect the wader booties. My question is for those that use dive wading boots with fins. What size booties and thickness do you use with your waders? What brands are good? Any brand to stay away from? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Boulder Creek


    Oh man,
    I've been working on this problem for years!
    I have a pair of force fins that are awsome but they are built for diving (bare foot) not for use with boots. I have been using an oversized pair of neoprene socks (wet wading) over my wader stocking feet. I've gone thru 2 pairs over the years and always cringe when walking any distance with them. The cringe is because its like walking bare foot and I'm always worried about ruining my stocking feet. I have been playing with thinly soled water socks but the challenge is getting the sole to fit right. I have size 11 stocking feet on my waders and have been playing with cheep amazon water socks of size 12. I found one pair that worked good, but I wore thru the sole on one weekend.
    good luck if you find a better answer I'll be waiting for it.

    J. Ice

    P.S. I tried a pair of outcast flippers (for boots) last weekend and they were no comparison to my Force Fins the Outcast were like I was treading water.......

  3. #3


    The thing I did recently was send my Simms G3 waders back to Simms to install new booties. I went larger, I think they call them 13 -14 or its the largest size they make. It allows me to get more socks on and have better circulation. I just went to the Dolphin Dive shop and got some thermal hard sole dive boots to use with my force fins. Tried them out this past weekend and worked very good. The key to warm feet is circulation. The brand of boots and part number is here. SEAC MODEL CALZARI PRO HD 6 MM XXXL My 02 cents.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Carson City NV


    Quote Originally Posted by ErikB View Post
    The thing I did recently was send my Simms G3 waders back to Simms to install new booties. I went larger, I think they call them 13 -14 or its the largest size they make. It allows me to get more socks on and have better circulation. I just went to the Dolphin Dive shop and got some thermal hard sole dive boots to use with my force fins. Tried them out this past weekend and worked very good. The key to warm feet is circulation. The brand of boots and part number is here. SEAC MODEL CALZARI PRO HD 6 MM XXXL My 02 cents.
    Thanks for the "heads up" on the SEAC bootiesI just ordered a pair from Amazon for when I fish the rocky shores of the lakes I like to visit in the spring and to use with my outcast Power fins (force fins knock offs)while fishing from my inflatable pontoon. Cold feet when I'm fishing is my number one reason for an early departure and heading for home. With warm and comfortable feet, I sometimes feel I could fish till I drop.
    Hopefully Santa has a little room left in his sleigh and/or his gift sack to get 'em to me. I've been good this year!!!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    I use force fins with my waders. Haven't put a hole in the yet (knock on wood). I don't use booties. But I do carry a pair of tennis shoes in the back of my float tube so when I get out I put them on so not to put any holes in the waders. Or, I'll take the waders off.
    I've had my pair of waders for 6 years now and now leaks.... Reddington Super Sonics.
    Jay Murakoshi

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Red Bluff


    Thank you to all fr the info. I am going to check out the SEAC Boots.


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