Anyone have a copy and is located in the Bay Area?
Interested in a loaner trade as insurance possibly?
I have the new Winter Steelhead book by David which runs around the same price.
Anyone have a copy and is located in the Bay Area?
Interested in a loaner trade as insurance possibly?
I have the new Winter Steelhead book by David which runs around the same price.
Are you interested in anything in particular? I'm not in the Bay Area but could scan a few pages, if you know what you want. I don't really want to part with it.
Check Amazon for used? Looks like it runs about $80-110.
Last edited by TahoeJoe; 05-04-2022 at 10:52 AM.
PM your email address and I'll see what I can do.
I have a extra copy of Caddisflies and will sell cheap , 40 bucks . Will be in Graeagle tomorrow . Mike
One of the best books ever. His (old and grainy) videos are good too. He's kind of mesmerizing.
we deliver the river
It is the most essential bug book to read if you fly fish for trout in the West. Visit The Site