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Thread: Pyramid report/strange sighting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Default Pyramid report/strange sighting

    Fished Pyramid lake with a buddy 4/17-19. Very slow fishing for us and everyone else we talked to/fished next to on the beaches. Felt fortunate for the handful of fish we hooked over 3 days. Did hear that the biggest fish of the season at over 27 lbs was caught at Pelican however.

    We saw something very strange Sunday morning, know I'm going to get some crap for this, but it appeared to be a submarine or some type of very long and large craft moving EXTREMELY fast. Saw a video online afterwards of UC Davis testing underwater drones from 2016 at the lake Albeit much smaller than what we saw. Maybe it was a wealthy guy with some type of experimental watercraft? I filmed a video of it but it doesn't really show it very well. Wondering if anyone knows anything about this or has seen something similar? My folks saw a submarine in Idaho’s largest lake, Lake Pend Oreille, in the 70s where the Navy has tested them for years, but Pyramid being tribal land doesn't seem like this would be the case, despite being close to many military bases.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    fernley Nevada


    Were you drinking when you say this craft ? A few years back I saw a Alligator at Popcorn , but I kept it to myself . And yes , there was Fireball involved ! Mike

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2020


    World record cutthroat! Should've tried to hook him!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Fair Oaks


    Hmmm Try reading this tomorrow and see if you still think you saw what you saw. HA!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by montana mike View Post
    Were you drinking when you say this craft ? A few years back I saw a Alligator at Popcorn , but I kept it to myself . And yes , there was Fireball involved ! Mike
    Hardly, it was at 8 am at Blockhouse. I usually wait till noon at the mid It was pretty outrageous whatever it was. Am interested if anyone at Wino Or Rawhide saw it as it was closer to those beaches. I'd post the video on here if I knew how to but it doesn't look like much as its hard to get a scale of how far away it was, how large it was and how fast it was moving. We were at the far northern end of Blockhouse, not at the shelf with the deep drop off everyone fishes.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jcolin View Post
    Fished pyramid with a buddy 4/17-19. Very slow fishing for us and everyone else we talked to/fished next to on the beaches. Felt fortunate for the handful of fish we hooked over 3 days. Did hear that the biggest fish of the season at over 27 lbs was caught at pelican however. We saw something very strange sunday morning, know im going to get some crap for this, but it appeared to be a submarine or some type of very long and large craft moving EXTREMELY fast. Saw a video online afterwards of UC Davis testing underwater drones from 2016 at the lake albeit much smaller than what we saw. Maybe it was a wealthy guy with some type of experimental watercraft? I filmed a video of it but it doesnt really show it very well. Wondering if anyone knows anything about this or has seen something similar? My folks saw a submarine in Idaho’s largest lake, Lake Pend Oreille, in the 70s where the Navy has tested them for years, but Pyramid being tribal land doesnt seem like this would be the case, despite being close to many military bases.
    First...........Thanks for the Pyramid report.

    Wow !!!!! Quite the sighting you had there J !!!!!

    I've only had one unexplained anomoly at Pyramid.........It was on my last Pyramid trip 1/12/22.

    Board member Klaashutter (from Idaho) and I were chatting on the beach at Wino in the late afternoon, and we witnessed a set of waves come into the cove on the extreme southern end of the beach.

    This picture is "borrowed" from the internet, and is similar to what we saw and is NOT of the actual event we witnessed.

    It was late afternoon, there were NO boats on the lake, the wind was NOT blowing from either end(s) of the lake, and the surface was VERY flat as far as one could see.
    The small set of the rollers appeared from the east/southeast side and middle of the lake and developed into the Square Waves (as in the picture above) in the cove and ONLY in the cove.

    We chatted for a minute or so about the "square wave phenomena" we just saw, and my thoughts at the time were there may have been an earthquake nearby as to the cause.

    Peculiar enough, the "Square Waves" ONLY happened on the beach, in the cove.

    Just this morning I did a quick date check search for earthquake events on Janurary 12, 2022 and found none had occurred nearby on that time and date.

    So, l'm not sure as to how or why these "Square Waves" Klaas and I saw, originated or were created.

    And as a side note, I use to race beach catamaran sailboats (in my past life) anywhere from Victoria Canada down thru San Diego and many lakes/reservoirs in between and have NEVER seen this phenomena.
    Because of that, I'm still very attentive to wind and wave patterns on any waters I'm on, near, or around.

    Maybe your "sighting" and my "sighting" are related in some way, shape, or form, but I know what I saw and still have no explaination as to the cause.

    Just a "little something" to share regarding Pyramid.

    Dang "unexplained events" ...........................

    Last edited by BS; 03-22-2022 at 09:13 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2019


    Hey Bob thanks for sharing that! It is a strange place for sure! Have you been fishing the lake much this season? Hope you are getting into them if so. The waves are likely from the walker lake sea serpent that moves back and forth from both lakes through a series of tunnels. Joking aside, i think theres a good chance what we saw was someone in a Seabreacher or similar expensive toy, the base model is cheaper than a new Porsche 911. Maybe kind of fun but id rather be fishing.

  8. #8
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    I’ll bet it was The Tahoe Tessie, the giant serpentine-like lake monster a.k.a The Loch Ness Monster. It was reported seen years ago in Lake Tahoe, those two lakes ( Tahoe- Pyramid) are connected by an underwater channel so maybe she’s traveling around. I also remember hearing about a drowning that happened in Tahoe, the body went missing and was found in Pyramid weeks later.

    Click image for larger version. 

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    The OV


    I had a friend that was fishing Pyramid in the mid 80’s and had a UFO fly over them in the early morning. A couple years later, the Air Force revealed his UFO - a B-2 Stealth bomber. Maybe more military testing? Heck, it’s Pyramid - it could be just a random fold in the space-time continuum. Or Fireball.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Bishop, California


    Sounds like a Russian nuclear sub. Those bastards mustÂ’ve snuck that bad boy in there without us knowing.


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