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Thread: Pyramid Lake- Toxic algae in bloom

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Kranhold View Post
    Crazy shit Eh! Great literature but I was just stating what happened in my neck of the woods! We should all go out and have some shots of some blue/green complimented with a nice stogy!
    You should have some blue green algae it's very healthy. can buy it in your grocery store.

    "I was just stating what happened in my neck of the woods" Thanks for sharing that about the horse. Livestock, horses, cows, sheep, farm animals, etc dogs and humans have died from drinking tainted water. I was just stating that blue green algae is actually consumed and has been and currently is a food source, provides some 90% of the air we breath among other uses. I bet somebody appreciates that information.

    LOL, Here's another interesting bit of information on blue green algae as an energy source.
    All kinds of interesting articles on it you can google up.....enjoy!

  2. #22
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    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph View Post
    There are over 2000 types of cyanobacteria in over 150 genera. To equate Spirulina with one of the toxic cyanobacteria is like equating poison hemlock with garden carrots (but hey, poison hemlock must be safe because it is in the carrot family).
    Once again and comprehend. I did not "EQUATE" Spirulina with "toxic" blue green algae. It's obviously not made with toxic levels of blue green algae. I thought that is pretty clear. I was just providing information on blue green algae that it is actually a food source that people might find interesting. You're reading in things and making things up that weren't stated for the sake of argument. I stated Spirulina is a product made from blue green algae. I stated that blue green algae has been a food source for thousands of years. With articles and links provided. Also, blue green algae is currently harvested on Klamath Lake. Blue green algae under certain conditions may become toxic. The blue green algae bloom currently on Pyramid lake is safe and not toxic. Capiche?
    Last edited by FREEDOM-FLYFISHER; 09-26-2021 at 06:56 PM.

  3. #23
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    Jun 2021


    ROFLOL!!!!!!!.....Hilarious stuff....It's like a bunch of old men at a nursing home that can't get along and have a civil conversation and just want to argue or can't refrain from arguing.
    I guess that's the brings it out the worst of people hiding behind a keyboard.

    HEY YOU KIDS!!!!!! Get off of my lawn!!!!
    Last edited by FREEDOM-FLYFISHER; 09-26-2021 at 09:41 AM.

  4. #24
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    the Lost Sierra


    Quote Originally Posted by FREEDOM-FLYFISHER View Post
    I stated Spirulina is a product made from blue green algae. ?
    I know. That's why I tried to make it simple for you to understand the differences and commonalities of toxic and non toxic carrots. I could do the same with deadly Amanita mushrooms compared with edible Shitake or Portabelos.

    Spirulina is NOT a product made from blue green algae. Spirulina is a harmless GENUS of cyanobacter.

    Most of the toxic cyanobacter are in a completely different genus, Microcystis. If you want health food, seine some Spirulina from Klamath or Martis Lake. If you want to get sick, do the same with Microcystis from Pyramid Lake. But please stop equating the two.
    Last edited by Ralph; 09-26-2021 at 10:24 AM.

  5. #25
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    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph View Post

    Spirulina is NOT a product made from blue green algae.
    WRONG!....guess what? Spirulina is made from blue green algae cyanobacteria. Read the links below.


    When I mentioned Spirulina, and historic harvesting and consumption by Aztecs and Africans and other likely peoples around the world and current processing and consumption of blue green algae I obviously wasn't referring to potentially toxic strains of blue green algae cyanobacteria or "EQUATING" them as you tried to claim. I thought that would be clear to everyone. I guess it wasn't to you. Or did you just want to throw out your carrot comment to incite an argument? I thinks that's the case....isn't it? Don't lie now! Everyone can see through your lies like the "EQUATE" lie you fabricated and conjured up.

    Of course some strains of blue green algae cyanobacteria of which there are many and some such as microcystis that can potentially become toxic under certain specific conditions and some are not toxic at all ever and are not toxic under any conditions and can be consumed and used for various purposes and it seems now possibly as an energy source...maybe.
    Obviously, the blue green algae that is harvested and consumed is harvested from blue green algae cyanobacteria that is not toxic.

    The blue green algae bloom reported in the media cited on here in a Reno Gazette Journal article states that it is not at toxic levels on Pyramid Lake and the lake is fully open to use, no beaches are closed, you can go swimming, jet skiing, wake boarding, fishing it is not currently harmful or dangerous.

    Spirulina is not made from blue green algae?.....what do you think it's made from? carrots? mushrooms? and learn, the authors and articles below say Spirulina is made from blue green algae which is of course a cyanobacteria as are the potentially toxic varieties of blue green algae in the microcystis category. But I guess you know better.

    Oh,....and that would be the blue green algae that isn't at toxic levels. OK? SO am I being clear enough for you?....AND ....I am not "EQUATING" it with potentially toxic varieties like you tried to claim. So stop trying to sell your lie for the sake of argument.... CAPICHE?

    If you are going to get bent out of shape over me stating Spirulina is a blue green algae cyanobacteria.....write to these authors and medical institutions. Take it up with them....because they are saying Spirulina is made from blue green algae.....which of course it is.....not made from carrots....not made from mushrooms...LOL!
    Last edited by FREEDOM-FLYFISHER; 09-26-2021 at 05:40 PM.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2019


    Algae aside, i think your tone on this forum is pretty toxic, FF. Kind of coming off as a dick when youre referring to people on here as being in a nursing home etc. LoL
    (Never used that last abbreviation in my life despite having just turned 30 but thought id throw it in for kicks).

  7. #27
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    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Jcolin View Post
    Algae aside, i think your tone on this forum is pretty toxic, FF. Kind of coming off as a dick when youre referring to people on here as being in a nursing home etc. LoL
    (Never used that last abbreviation in my life despite having just turned 30 but thought id throw it in for kicks).
    You're a dick. When people on this message board can't have a civil adult discussion, without getting angry for no reason and feel the need to throw out smarmy comments..... it is like a bunch of angry old men in a nursing home that can't get along looking for something to argue about

    You don't like that observation? Too bad, it's accurate. Then maybe start with not call people dicks and start acting like an adult and have a civil decent discussion with out getting bent out of shape over semantics looking for an argument.
    Last edited by FREEDOM-FLYFISHER; 09-26-2021 at 08:52 PM.

  8. #28
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    Jun 2021


    ROFLOL!!!!! SERIOUSLY, You truly are a bunch of angry old men looking for an argument. Did any of you read the first post and comprehend what you read?
    Pyramid Lake is SAFE TO USE! The article clearly states that you can go swimming in the lake, water skiing, wake boarding, fishing etc. Did you not read and comprehend that or do you just want to get worked up and hysterical thinking you're going to die from toxic algae?

    You know what? IF you are so scared ...don't go to Pyramid Lake or any body of water. Better yet, to be safe from blue green algae Microcystis don't go fishing anywhere.....because you know what? Blue green algae is everywhere it is all over the plant.

    I tried to provide some interesting information (commentary/links) on blue green algae that I though some people might find interesting and informative. I bet many did. Unfortunately a few (#@%*%) felt the need to start an argument to fuel their need for self actualization.

    Also, I flyfish several lakes that have massive intense sometimes toxic blue green algae blooms that cover the lake in a thick blue green algae pudding skin. I stated this in above posts. I fish these lakes in the heat of the summer august when there are thick blue green algae covering the surface of the lake. I fish these lake and it has amazing dry fly caddis hatches in the blue green scum at 8::00 am to 11:00 am in the right month and then there are callibaetis hatches that go off in the blue green algae from around 10:00am until around 11:00 am.
    Last edited by FREEDOM-FLYFISHER; 09-26-2021 at 09:18 PM.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Rescue ,CA Cromberg, CA


    Sounds like a couple of peps need to meet at the flagpole after the last bell!

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Kranhold View Post
    Sounds like a couple of peps need to meet at the flagpole after the last bell!
    And what exactly do you mean with this statement ?

    What are"peps"?
    What "flagpole"?
    What last "bell"?

    What does any of that mean?


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