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Thread: DAVIS LAKE Car Top Boat launching area closures, Jenkins/CowCreek etc.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Placer County


    Received email today from Keli Ward as well.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    Keli Ward is no longer the acting District Ranger for Plumas National Forest. Apparently they are rotating District Rangers on a monthly basis. She is continuing to collect information regarding Davis Lake car top launching. I would recommend continuing to email her, as well as Christopher Carlton the Forest Supervisor and Rachel Bauer.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    Hello my fellow flyfishermen/women.

    Here are some additional contacts at the Plumas County USFS that I had been in contact with and I forgot to provide that are responsible for recreational opportunities in Plumas County. I would recommend including them in any emails you send to the USFS as they have input into decisions as this access issue at Davis/Frenchman's will be decided by committee. If you have sent emails to Christopher Carlton, Keli Ward or Rachel Bauer simply forward to these emails as these individuals are responsible for seeing that all users are considered in USFS policy.

    It has come to my attention today 9/15 after speaking with the USFS acting District Ranger Rachel Bauer that Kaitlyn McGlamery is responsible for enacting the Jenkins closure so I suggest making sure she hears your voice and particularly Forest Supervisor Christopher Carlton as he is ultimately responsible for what takes place in Plumas County National Forest.

    Kaitlyn McGlamery
    Public Services Staff
    Plumas National Forest

    Erika Brenzovich
    Recreation and Lands Program Manager
    Plumas National Forest,
    Supervisor's Office

    Evelyn Breedlove
    Lead Recreation Technician
    Plumas National Forest
    Beckwourth Ranger District
    Last edited by FREEDOM-FLYFISHER; 09-15-2021 at 02:12 PM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    I spoke with Acting District Ranger Rachel Bauer, Beckwourth Office Plumas National Forest yesterday 9/15 for a half hour discussing various issues related to the ongoing closures at Davis Lake, Jenkins/Cow Creek etc.

    This is what I learned....

    First off, they are rotating District Rangers on a monthly basis and will be doing so for the next 6 months plus until they decide on an individual hire. This is irrelevant to our cause. The effort and your voice emails/calls need to be directed to the USFS FOREST SUPERVISOR Plumas National Forest Christopher Carlton p:530-283-7810 c:530-927-7713 as he is the big cheese and ultimately the one who signs off on everything as far as I have gathered although there is definitely input from a variety of individuals. This is a federal government bureaucracy of the worst kind and they can screw over users with any excuse and bull reason as they choose but it is done by committee and there is input from the individuals I have listed on this thread and others I am unaware of.

    Second, It appears this individual Kaitlyn McGlamery
    Public Services Staff
    Plumas National Forest
    p:530-836-7120 is entrusted and responsible for pushing forward on the closure of Jenkins Point to car topping and closing off the parking and access and launching. She is following USFS policy and decisions as to what the Plumas County USFS wants done with the lake. From what Rachel Bauer told me this Kaitlyn is the one planning where the boulders will go and how much area there will be for parking so I strongly suggest you email and call her and leave messages and let her know that we as car toppers need launching on the end and all around Jenkins point and plenty of parking as Jenkins has historically seen a dozen-30 plus cars on any given weekend when the fishing is good.

    Third, They can claim any BS as to why they are closing off access. I have heard all kinds of excuses and bull reasons such as it isn't a "designated USFS road" meaning the area around a point such as Camp 5 northside or Jenkins isn't a designated access road so therefore we can close it off by throwing logs and boulders. But of course the rest of the point they can do as they see fit and put in a paved parking lot and boat ramp etc. They can also BS claim they are doing it in the interest of "environmental protection". This is laughable and I have challenged them on this and both Keli Ward and Rachel Bauer have acknowledge the lunacy of their position but once again it is done as a bureaucracy. For instance they have closed off Camp 5 northside for "non designated road" and then tried to claim it was in the interest of environmental protection. I showed them pictures of the cattle trampling the shoreline a hundred yards away from Camp 5 in the cove(pictures on this thread) but the hard packed dirt we park on is in their bs claim environmentally sensitive. What about the entire shoreline the cattle are free to roam and trample?. So basically they can lie right to your face and make up any claim and lie and do as they see fit.

    One thing I have learned dealing with this bloated federal bureaucracy is that everyone at the USFS tries to pass the buck to someone else and not take responsibility. BUT,,,,Ultimately the Forest Supervisor Christopher Carlton is responsible for what takes place in Plumas County so I strongly recommend directing your #1 focus and voice to him as he can't shuck responsibility. Email/call everyone I have listed include them in your email address for any letters you send and forward your emails to all of them.

    It's crunch time.
    They are hell bent on closing off access all around the lake and don't give much of a damn but your voice does count and does have an impact. The problem has been we as flyfisherman/car toppers have been silent for too long and they have been chipping away and chipping away at access because we haven't spoken up and made our voices heard. Now is the time to put the pressure on them otherwise they are going to boulder off Jenkins Point and Cow creek to car topping and once that happens it is game over and impossible to get things reversed.

    GOOD LUCK! Keep fighting the good fight!
    Last edited by FREEDOM-FLYFISHER; 09-16-2021 at 09:29 AM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2021


    The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.......

    Hello my fellow flyfishermen and women!
    I hope all of you are enjoying this fall/winter weather we are experiencing and getting out there and into the fish with these cooler temperatures.

    First of all I would like to thank everyone that took the time to email and/or call the USFS on behalf of yourself, your fellow flyfishermen/women, disabled veterans/persons, car toppers etc regarding the access closures at Davis Lake.
    So, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!'s GREATLY APPRECIATED.....and is actually helping the cause! The more voices the better!

    I wanted to give an update on what has transpired between myself and the USFS Plumas County regarding my ongoing efforts to negotiate a result on behalf of all "car toppers" interested in fishing Davis Lake. Sadly, the closure at Jenkins Point remains so if you have plans to fish the lake and need to offload close to the lake shore it is a no go at Jenkins. In the past when the lake was fishing well at the top of its game there would be 30+ cars parked on Jenkins point. That has been reduced to room for maybe 8-10 vehicles squeezed together at best. They created a tiny gravel parking area and have placed signs stating that you must be parked in that parking area and can not drive anywhere close to the water to offload.

    I recently contacted Christopher Carlton the Forest Supervisor and he informed me that a new acting district ranger has been appointed, Rachel Bauer is no longer in the position and that person now is Matthew Waterston So if you want to type up your first email or forward an email you have already sent to Rachel Bauer or Kelli Ward that is a person to contact as well as Forest Supervisor Christopher Carlton They are rotating in new acting District Rangers on a monthly basis until they hire a person on a permanent basis. This has been their excuse for inaction regarding addressing Jenkins Point and other access areas that the NEW District Ranger will be making a decision. It appears Carlton the Forest Supervisor has passed the responsibility downward for whatever reasons which I do not understand. Why he refuses to make a decision is beyond me. Christopher Carlton also stated that in addition to Matthew Waterston, Erika Brenzovich Recreation Program Manager will be reviewing and working on the issue. My question becomes why can't the current acting District Ranger address the situation or the Forest Supervisor? A former acting District Ranger this past summer enacted the closure so why can't that be reversed or addressed by the current acting district ranger? It is a lot of BS and run around and excuses but when dealing with government bureaucracies this is what must be dealt with if you want a change. Christopher Carlton also informed me that he is instructing "Outdoors in Plumas" the USFS contracted concessionaire to look into the matter. I am curious to what role exactly they are playing in this.

    I was hoping to get this resolved prior to this years Veteran's Day of Remembrance November 11, 2021 on behalf of our severely disabled veterans that need any access they can find but sadly that appears will not happen. You would think that the USFS would want to preserve, restore, create access and welcome disabled veterans to Plumas County area lakes like Davis or Frenchman's but that is not the case at all. In fact, they could careless as they have made Frenchman's completely inaccessible for a severely disabled person/veteran as far as an area to launch where in the past there were areas all around the lake where one could drive down to the water and park and offload and leave your wheelchair sitting at the waters edge waiting for your return. They are doing to Davis what they have done to Frenchman's. I feel bad for the newly injured young man or woman veteran that becomes severely disabled that loses their legs at the hip to an IED or suffers a spinal cord injury and will be using a wheelchair or is severely mobility impaired and wants to kayak fish either of these lakes independently. That freedom and independence I and others have enjoyed for decades is fading fast in Plumas County. I will be sending off many emails this coming week on behalf of our disabled veterans but so far it has fallen on deaf ears of the USFS Plumas county personnel.

    I'd also like to mention that if any of you know of any disabled veterans (severely mobility impaired/wheelchair user) or anyone severely disabled in northern California or Nevada that might be interested in getting into fishing from a kayak or where they might find some access at a lake please have them contact me through this website and I would be more than happy to give them all my decades of knowledge and information on where and how and the few spots at lakes that I know have access or to personally take them out fishing and guide them.

    .....anyway keep the faith....we shall triumph..... and GOOD FISHING to my fellow flyfishermen and women!
    Last edited by FREEDOM-FLYFISHER; 10-30-2021 at 02:43 PM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2021



    I hope all of you are getting out there and doing some great fishing with a cool early fall!

    I have been busy dealing with the USFS Plumas COunty hammering them on this issue relentlessly. I will try and UPDATE when I get the chance and let you know what has been going on. I have the USFS Forest Supervisors Christopher Carlton's ear although he does everything he can to pass the buck on this issue to the acting district ranger which they then of course blow it off and try and pass the buck by saying no decision will be made until a District Ranger is hired or some such bs but nonetheless I keep putting the pressure on. It's lots of BS and bureaucratic game playing but it is what it is.

    IF you fish davis and car top and care about car top launching access I strongly suggest you do the same and write Christopher Carlton and Erika Brenzovich because now is the time before it is too late. Come spring they are either going to shut down Jenkins for good and then that's it we won't be able to reverse it and then they will close Cow Creek next if they don't get challenged on Jenkins and no more car top launch access at those nice west shore wind sheltered leeward launching areas we have enjoyed for 50+ years that get us to all the close by fishing spots safely and quickly.

    I have also been appealing to the USFS on behalf of disabled Veterans (as Veterans Day of Remembrance is approaching November 11, 2021) for access which these spots are nice flat hard packed dirt areas which are nice launching areas for the mobility impaired. These are my go to spots when I guide a disabled person Veteran or non-Veteran as they are the safest spots for a first time kayaker and easy for anyone with some sort of mobility impairment which I work with. If you are a Veteran or not right now is a great time to send an email on behalf of our disabled Veterans with mobility impairments that need any and all access they can find. That's the tough part for some newly injured Veteran double amputee or spinal cord injury now having to use a wheelchair or crutches or prosthetics etc to find easy access that gets their independence back and gets them out there in the outdoors. It's very good for their mental health as some 6000 Veterans take their lives each year and any Freedom and Independence of the severely disabled Veteran in the outdoors really does help and can save lives.

    I would like to remind persons reading this thread that if any of you know of any disabled Veterans or non-Veterans that have some sort of mobility impairment and might be interested in getting into kayak fishing have them contact me here as I will try and check here every few weeks as time permits.


  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2021




    I Spoke with Erika Brenzovich for 48 minutes on November 12. I have been advocating for access for disabled veterans (Veterans Day November 11), on this issue of access at Davis Lake and its impact on disabled veterans/persons, so I got a call from her.

    BAD NEWS>The USFS has dumped a pile of boulders at Jenkins Point but she stated they have not been placed, (YET). She stated they will do a field access assessment with me weather permitting in early December to make a final determination or if not this December then next spring. I don't believe anything they say. They have lied over and over and each person passes the buck to someone else. I have this time (since Jenkins issue) directed everything at Christopher Carlton ultimately holding him responsible as he is the Forest Supervisor. They do all these decisions by committee and initiate plans over a period of years. She told me their plan was (they are still reviewing) to close off ALL shoreline access at Davis Lake. Cow Creek is their planned next closure. Their reason is because people have driven down to the water at Lightning Tree with the low water. So people were driving down to the waters edge there as the boat ramp is high and dry and this bothers them. That is their entire reason for now closing Jenkins and COw Creek which they are hell bent on doing. So what they have done at Jenkins so far is they have put in a little gravel parking lot right at the very top of the road in. You drive through the trees and pop out on the top of the point and that is as far as you can now go. You can't drive to the end of the point or the north or south side of the point to launch. Right now they just have signs but I imagine they are just going to encircle that gravel parking area with those boulders and then that is it. They can't really boulder off to the north or south sides with boulders from the treeline down to the water as it would require hundreds of boulders and then the water comes up and those boulders are submerged and a boat prop can hit them so they will just leave this little parking lot that might hold 8-10 vehicles and that is it. No shoreline launching.

    I have been advocating on behalf of disabled veterans/persons as I work with various non profits that provide assistance in various ways and also outdoor adaptive recreation so that has gotten their attention. BUT the fact is they really haven't cared in the past. They are hell bent on closing off the lake to all shoreline access no matter the impact. They are still taking input and (THEY SAY) they are considering the issue of access for users, general public "car toppers", disabled veterans/persons.
    We'll see what happens here. As I mentioned above, Erika stated that she, Christopher Carlton, perhaps others from USFS and myself will do a field assessment at Davis and Frenchman's (they made this lake entirely inaccessible for disabled persons/veterans with closures).

    So this is it. It's crunch time. If you are a "car topper" and have any desire to continue to launch at Davis Lake you better speak up now while they are still listening, because once they start placing boulders that's it, Erika stated this. If you aren't a "car topper" or maybe you don't even fish Davis lake perhaps you care about disabled veterans or your fellow flyfisherman/women and the flyfishing community. You don't have to be Shakespeare here or write an essay. A short quick simple email on behalf of disabled veterans stating you would like the USFS to preserve, restore, create access for disabled veterans at Davis Lake/Frenchman's would be great. Or for instance you would,like to see "car topper" access remain open at Davis Lake as it is needed for people launching prams, canoes, pontoons, kayaks and non motorized craft that would be great. Any view point on your own behalf or any others would be great. It's not a lost cause, but it is crunch time and now is the time to speak up.
    If you do wish to help on behalf of disabled veterans/persons, yourself or just the general flyfishing community I suggest you direct your emails to #1 Christopher Carlton #2 Erika Brenzovich and name them in your email and include all above USFS email links to other USFS personnel I have included in this thread.



  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    Default Help your fellow flyfisherman/women with launching access


    I have GOOD NEWS to report but the battle continues with the USFS PLUMAS COUNTY regarding car topper launching access at DAVIS LAKE/FRENCHMAN'S and around the country and YOUR HELP IS NEEDED NOW!

    ..... PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO THE USFS PLUMAS COUNTY CONTACTS I HAVE PROVIDED especially the NEW district ranger Plumas County who actually wants to hear your voice regarding issues of car topper shoreline launching access. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO is send an email saying I need car topper access at DAVIS LAKE (Jenkins Point/Cow Creek etc). HE WANTS TO HEAR FROM YOU! He asked me to reach out to the FLYFISHING COMMUNITY to get you guys/gals to send him input through emails.....SO DO IT NOW!!!!

    I have been continually fighting and pounding the USFS Plumas County on this issue for YOU car toppers and disabled veterans/persons. Various disabled veterans organizations have become interested in USFS access....PVA Paralyzed Veterans of America, DAV Disabled American Veterans, WWP Wounded Warriors Project.

    First of all I want to thank everyone that has taken the time to send an email to the USFS Christopher Carlton USFS Supervisor Plumas County, and Erika Brenzovich

    The Plumas County USFS now has a NEW DISTRICT RANGER and he is interested in your issue and opinion regarding car topper launching access. He called me a few weeks ago and we spoke for close to an hour regarding access at Davis Lake and we scheduled a meeting at DAVIS LAKE for MAY 13 at 9:00 AM at Camp Five Davis Lake. He called me yesterday to confirm that meeting with me at DAVIS LAKE CAMP 5 and YOU ARE INVITED to attend if you can.
    He actually asked me about attendance by car toppers and car topper input, opinion, and needs and perspective.

    SO IF YOU CAN ATTEND a MAY 13, 2022 9:00AM USFS MEETING with the FLYFISHING COMMUNITY @ Davis Lake Camp 5 point regarding access be there with me.

    IF YOU CAN NOT ATTEND.....PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE.......just shoot off an EMAIL to Christopher Carlton , Erika Brenzovich and the NEW (finally) DISTRICT RANGER Michael Rahe who has shown himself to be interested in issues of access for the car topper flyfishing community and disabled veterans and the disabled community.

    So PLEASE send an email to the USFS. All you need to say in an email is I am unable to attend the May 13, 2022 USFS/Car Topper shoreline launching access meeting at Davis Lake Camp 5 but I am interested in seeing car topper shoreline launching access remain, restored at Davis Lake.

    SIncerely THANK YOU.... and thank you to sfspey for your private message and you sending recent emails to USFS Plumas COunty.

    Last edited by FREEDOM-FLYFISHER; 05-08-2022 at 12:53 AM.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    Default REMINDER....USFS site vist @ Davis Lake Camp 5, this Friday May 13, 2022, 9:00am

    ******USFS site visit to DAVIS LAKE to discuss and evaluate access, CAMP 5 POINT 9:00am Friday May 13, 2022.*********

    You are encouraged to attend.
    The more people that get involved with this issue the better chance we have on saving Davis Lake (and elsewhere) for car topper shoreline launching access and parking areas on various points, Jenkins, Cow creek etc.
    They want to hear what YOU have to say. They actually are open to reversing their planned policy of closing off all shoreline access at Davis Lake IF THE COMMUNITY demands it. BUT They won't reverse their plans if no one cares and no one speaks up. They will just go ahead with their plans and close off everything. Cow Creek is next on their agenda.

    I realize many of you won't be able to attend this USFS site visit meeting to discuss access at Davis Lake. That's OK. I will of course be there advocating on your behalf. If you can make it that would be great. It should be a good weekend of fishing with nice warm upper 70's low 80's temperatures which should get the bugs going.

    ***********If you can't attend but do care about issues of access for yourself and your fellow flyfishermen/women then PLEASE take a moment of your time to do something for your fellow flyfishermen/women and the flyfishing community.***********

    Even if you aren't a car topper or you don't fish Davis Lake please just send a brief email to Michael Rahe, Christopher Carlton, Erika Brenzovich, on behalf of your fellow flyfishing community.

    ALL YOU HAVE TO DO is type up a few sentences in an email asking the "USFS to preserve, restore and save shoreline access for users" THAT"S IT!!!!! Just a few words, a few sentences will make a BIG DIFFERENCE. If no one speaks up then they will just close off everything at the lake as they have planned. 4000+ have viewed this thread. IF 1% of you took a few moments to send an email this issue would be over with, done and we saved access.

    IF you aren't impacted by the proposed closures at Davis Lake perhaps you care about the impact it has on someone else....your flyfishing community. DO IT for your fellow flyfishermen/women the flyfishing community. Or do it because you just care about issues of flyfishing access in general. Or do it because you hate over reaching federal government agencies and policies that impact individual freedoms. DO it for the disabled veteran that suffered a spinal cord injury or had both his legs blow off and uses a wheelchair and needs to off load a kayak close to the waters edge. OR maybe do it for a former friend who was a car topper pram flyfisherman that is no longer with us.
    Please just send a few matter your motivation. We all have different reasons but many of our reasons and interest coincide as flyfishermen/women. Also please reach out to any and all flyfishermen/women personal friends you may know that may be interested, fly shops you frequent, flyfishing groups and organizations, flyfishing clubs that you are involved with and let people know the issue and that they can help by simply sending a few emails. We need ALL THE HELP we can get!

    So if you do take a few moments of your time to send a few emails THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!

    Thanks to STU and sfspey for your efforts sending emails.



  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Tejas !!


    Done thanks for doing this.


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