Dear fly fishing fellow,

I would like to get some feedback on the free iPhone app I have developed recently. (Sorry, no Android version as of yet).

NorCal Rivers App. (

This app is still a work-in-progress project, and I intend to work on new features in the coming weeks, based on user feedback.

I want to get your opinion on features you would like to see in an app like this.


(Related to this, there's another app I developed that helps you plan your river activities by reminding you when it gets too dark and if there is any moonlight tonight.

Darkness Alert. (
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Some questions the app attempts to answer: (not all implemented yet)

- When can I start fishing this morning? When is it too dark to fish tonight? Is there moonlight that helps?

- Is the water level too high or low? Is it too cold or hot? Too muddy? Worst yet - is the river flooded or blown out right now?

- Are there fishing regulations I need to consider on this particular river or this particular stretch of the river?

- How did I do last time I was here? Where did I fish, when was I here, what was the water level, did I have success? Did I catch something?

- What fishing method should I use considering the season? What lures, what flies?

- What insects are hatching as per the calendar? Should I use flies or gear?

- Are there anyone else here who is catching anything? Fishing Reports? Could I report my catch to benefit other fishers?

- Where should I cast? Where are the fishing holes? Runs and riffles?

- Where can I camp? Hotels/Motels?

- Where can I get food/gas/fishing supplies/groceries?

- What are the fishing regulations for this river? Any regulations that can change daily? (e.g., low-flow closures, run-quota met?) How can I find out this? Can the app tell this, or should I call someone? Website?

- Is it going to rain tonight? What is the weather forecast for the river (flow) and the ambient weather forecast?

- Can someone join me for the fishing trip? How can I entice them to join? (Share in FB/Instagram?)

- if someone joins me, how do we split the cost of the trip? If I drive, do others pay for my gas? And vice versa?

- I am concerned about the river status and would like to influence policymakers. How can I do that? Can I email or call someone? Who/where?

- I would like to volunteer to help clean up the river banks. Is there any organization that I could join to coordinate efforts?

- I see poaching activity; where can I report it?

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