Hi All,

Like all of you I am doing the right thing and only dreaming of fishing these days. I really want to get out and self-isolate on a river but, I know it isn't the right thing to do. So, with all of extra time on my hands to ponder all things fishing. And, with the Salmon season about to open(maybe), I got to wondering about the salmon in the Monterrey Bay.

Question for the salmonid experts out there. Where do these salmon of the Monterrey Bay originate? They can't all be of San Lorenzo, Salinas, Carmel, Big Sur originations, can they? Are they Central Valley Fish? Are they from our northern coastal rivers? Or, is it all of the above and they are all just migratory fish chasing bait down the coast in the spring and early summer?

Be well all. We'll get through this.
