NRS is expensive. Real issue is the glue- usually 8oz or larger and shipping is expensive or not available (problems shipping flammables?).

IF you have the glue, then go onto Amazon and search for "D Rings glue on"- you can get 6 or so for $12.

If you will put any stress on the rings (simple pulling), most of the hardware store type glues will fail. StaBond glue is what the major raft companies use. HH-66 is similar and sells for around $17 for 8 oz on Amazon.

Watermaster rafts used to sell 2oz of StaBond for around $8.00. They recommended 1 oz per D ring on a raft)- you might be able to use less on a pack. I have glued on 4 d rings and 2 Scotty Rod holders onto my Watermaster Kodiak raft and none have failed...including the ones I put on to add a stronger foot brace.
