If you believe the Delta is important, you should read the article in the following link:


This is a very tenuous time for water law/rights in this state. A federal law passed in 2016 and advanced by the former law firm of the current Secretary of the Interior and lobbyist for Westlands Water District (WWD) allows federal water contractors to negotiate with the feds for a specified amount of water, annually, rather than what's done now. This would overturn this states' right to govern the amount of water withdrawn from the Delta and could mean the end of coordinated use of the pumps between the SWP and CVP. It's anticipated that the WWD contract would be the first of many potential new federal contracts. All of this would overturn historic water rights in this state and potentially make way for other, bordering states to re-assess their right to demand more water from the Colorado River.

Does the impact of all of this have the affect of lessening the value of the governors voluntary agreements and/or single tunnel project???