Half-pounders on the Klamath River

Dean river for Steelhead in BC, Canada

Winter Steelhead on the coast - Gualala, Garcia, Eel rivers - 1970s

King Salmon on the coast - Eel river tide water - 1970s

Rainbows on the Pit river - before the higher flows

Rainbows on the Upper Sacramento river

Lake fishing for trout around Kamloops, BC, Canada.

Bonefish at Christmas Island

Baby Tarpon in the MX Yucatan

Permit out of southern Belize

Peacock Bass in Brazil's Amazon

Roosterfish out of La Paz, Baja, MX

Dorado out of Loreto, Baja, MX

False Albacore out of North Carolina

Silver salmon on the Tsiu river, Cordova, Alaska

Atlantic Salmon on the Miramichi river, Nova Scotia

Giant Brook trout in Labrador @ Copper's Minnipi Lodges

Big trout in New Zealand

Top water Large Mouth Bass in the Delta

Small Mouth Bass in moving water anywhere

I mostly fish with a floating line, mono tapered leader and light fly, if possible.

If I am not catching fish, at least I can enjoy some wonder fly casting.