A recent post on Blantons BB referenced new CA legislation that potentially impacts the availability of natural fur used by Fly Tyers. First is AB 273. It was chaptered 216, statutes of 2019. So, it's now state law. Makes changes to licensing/permitting of trappers and dealers of natural/native mammal fur products, retail sales of same and, in some cases prohibits purchase and/or possession. Includes some exemptions. Also, includes civil/criminal penalties for violations. Text is too lengthy to enter here. Suffice to say that if you use natural fur from native mammals, you should review this law to be safe.

Second is AB 44. Not yet passed and is similar to AB273. This bill includes some differing effective dates. Penalties included are civil, only (not criminal) Not sure if this bill will be passed as it's purpose appears to be the same as AB 273 but it's still worth reviewing.

Good thing there's lots of synthetic materials available....