Took a trip with Captain Maury Hatch on Wednesday for Stripers. The day was clear/cool and started with a light breeze. We ran far and wide to locate birds working/fish. At one point, early, we spotted some fish that had pushed bait up against a shoreline. You could see their wakes/backs out of the water as they rushed the bait. We caught a few. Maury caught some quality Stripers out of that bunch. Also, out of that area I caught a Sacto Pike Minnow that was 22"-23" in length (surprise!!).

The WX became more windy later and as we set up to end the day we could see a lot of smoke going from a fire near Korth's Pirate Lair marina. When we arrived, the fire was out. It had burned a field on the back side of the marina. Close call.

As always, it was a great day and a lot of fun/good conversation fishing with Maury and the breakfast burger (not a burrito this time) was very good. Gotta schedule another date soon.