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Thread: You ARE the 'someone else'

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default You ARE the 'someone else'

    Disappointing but expected outcome of today's vote by the Delta Stewardship Council ~ 5-1 in favor of going ahead with the Ca. Waterfix/'Eco Restore' (twin tunnels) proposal as amended).

    I/m not sure what disappoints me more... the apathy that exists among folks who should be doing all they can to stop the tunnels? or those who wish to build them?

    The fight is far from over but if we hope to win... we need more advocacy and support.

    I know many fellow anglers and guides who profit from the fisheries of the AR, FR, and delta who were nowhere to be found today... I saw no familiar faces from Kiene's and only Dan Bacher from the Fish Sniffer in attendance today.

    When the rivers are sucked dry and you have no more anadromous fish to fish for... look in the mirror and then get started on "Rivers of a Lost Coast" PART 2

    I'll try to present a more detailed synopsis of the meeting at some future time.

    Thanks to any and all who did make it out to the meeting today

    You ARE the 'someone else'...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    I'm in your corner, but some people have to work!
    "God grant me the serenity to accept the size of fish that I catch, the courage not to fib about it, and the wisdom to know that no one would believe me any way".

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Question Apathy???

    Actually, there're many reasons why a person would choose not to attend a meeting at/by a state agency during the morning of a very hot day in the middle of the week. Too many to list here.

    I for one gave up on this when the Waterfix project re-write was released and there were no substantive changes from prior iterations. I read a major part of the prior, 34 thousand page, release and made formal comment several times before realizing that "the fix" is in. This project is the legacy for the Brown family (father/son) and will be done unless delayed until our current governor leaves office next year, the Feds deny permits or litigation is successful. With the current federal administrations dislike for science and environmental regulations, it's likely that the feds will acquiesce; even Feinstein backs Waterfix.

    Frankly, Restore The Delta is fighting the good fight but needs to align themselves with other environmental NGOs as only dollars/numbers count now.
    "America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote."

    Author unknown

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    I couldn't concur more!
    "God grant me the serenity to accept the size of fish that I catch, the courage not to fib about it, and the wisdom to know that no one would believe me any way".

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Yeah... sorry if I came off as accusative or holier-than-thou... I'm not believing I'm either...
    I do realize that the DSC chose the day and time and for their meeting so as to dodge an opposition constituency. They were still outnumbered about 400 to 20. After seeing the new iteration of the supposed non-biased representatives (Delta Stewardship Council) I realized that it was a foregone conclusion. Solano County Supervisor, Skip Thomson is the council's token 'good-guy' thrown in the mix to give the appearance of fairness in the decision making process.
    Yes, Governor Brown has paved the way nicely for his tunnels. Even the appointees he has selected for agencies, like the CDFG Commission, are predominantly pro-tunnels and many appointees even have; legal, public utility/works, large-scale farming and engineering backgrounds. In fact, one of them worked for MWD, the largest shareholder in the CA Waterfix/Eco Restore (my ass) proposal. None of the newly-appointed commissioners have advanced degrees in biological sciences, imagine that!
    Hopefully, he has pissed Trump off enough by calling him out on global warming, that Trump will NOT get behind his agenda....And our best hope is that the EIR provided by DSC will fail to pass muster in accordance with NEPA, CEQA, and CWA.
    I'm disillusioned with the whole thing also but I do believe there's a fighting chance to stop the tunnels and to think otherwise is to hand over a victory.
    Of all the folks on this or any other board, Darian, YOU would be the last person I would refer to as apathetic and Bryan, I get it and thanks for being in our corner and taking the time to chime in


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