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Thread: Tying the Charlie Bisharat's Pole Dancer

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles

    Default Tying the Charlie Bisharat's Pole Dancer

    Okay so I'm trying to tie Charlie Bisharat's Pole Dancer. I was peeling back the original $17 fly and the fibers are wrapped around the glass bead and hook... What the heck is up with that? How dose one tie around a glass bead and hook? That is why the material/fibers are sitting so high up on the fly above the estaz on the hook below it. The first small section of Yak hair is laid on the actual hook. The rest of the fibers are wrapped on the glass bead and hook. Never seen anything tied this way, to me it would seem as the thread will just slide off the glass bead. Upon closer inspection it looks like the actual head is plastic and not foam. The back end is all hollowed out and the head is squishy like a Thingamabobber. I'm thinking it has a small air chamber. I want to take the whole thing apart but it was so expensive at $17.

    Anyone know what this Pole dancer's head is made of? The one I have is not a foam popper in my not professional opinion. I could dremel out a bigger cavity on the rear of the head but I feel I will loose buoyancy 'cause of the added lead wraps on the hook.

    Here are some of the items for tying this fly, it's not all the items just some of what I photographed, I picked this stuff up from BMFS.

    On the longer head I'm going to cut it with an Xacto knife and then use a dremel tool to concave the popper head. The popper heads were fairly inexpensive so I could experiment a bit if I mess up.

    Here is a close up of all the fibers in the fly body, White and pink bucktail. Also what looks like green synthetic yak hair, or EP fibers. I have both so I could test both out. Looks like Flashabou and Estaz as well. See what I come uot with.

    Blurry image of eye shot, will try and dremel the eyes as well. Not sure what I can use to color the heads yet, maybe just leave them white with red mouth and gills. We'll see what I come up with.

    Will post up some images with some of the final results at a latter date. If someone has a the recipe for this fly please post it up, that would be very helpful.

    Update on angled cut and concave with dremel. It came out really well, I do like the way it came out. I might need to smooth out but so far so good.

    I think the eyes might be a little more trickier to get done. Lot's of good uses for a Dremel tool, now includes popper reshaping.

    This is the head on Dremel tool I used to shape the concave portion of the popper after the angled cut with the blade.

    Don't quite have all the materials, still need the Worm Rattle, they had some at BMFS just the wrong size, they were to small/mini. I guess I could tie without the rattle. I noticed that just the larger flies had rattles and the smaller flies were rattle~less.

    I was watching a video on how to add Rattle to the poppers and it quite easy. The tyer was talking about how on some occasions the rattle/glass beads made all the difference. Fish were keying in on the sound or maybe the vibration of the rattle?

    Anyhow hope someone can help me out a bit. Trying to figure out what will work for tying this fly has been fun. I have something tied up but it looks nothing like the Pole Dancer.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Los Angeles


    Okay so this is my first rendition of the Pole Dancer. I could see where I could go with this fly and make some improvements on my fly. I have yet to fish it as I'm out of Zap~a~gap to glue on the popper foam head. I will take it to the local pond for a test to see the action. I will try both and see what the differences are and what I can do to my own tied fly.

    Looking at the side by side comparison I see that the OG fly used either olive green craft fur or EP fibers. My fly is a tad heavier, that is a given considering I used a larger hook and piece of wire instead of the mono on the back end, plus I have a bigger popper head. Well see tomorrow if I go and get the glue tonight.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Santa Rosa, Calif



    It's fun to play around with somebody else's fly. Keep in mind that Charlie designed that fly from scratch and then he tested it to no end. Anything you do to his design will, of course, change the fly accordingly. You might want to change a few smaller aspects of the fly to perhaps tune it to your casting stroke. However anything else you change, might come back and bite you and really disappoint you.

    Good luck

    Carl Blackledge
    Last edited by Carl Blackledge; 06-01-2017 at 07:23 PM.

  4. #4


    Follow the instructions. They have kits for the fly mentioned above. It's the same thing. Saves you a lot of time. Also it looks to me like they use SF flash blend for the over wing not EP fibers, but I'm not a tier, so what do I know.
    Carpe Piscis!

    ><((((º> ><((((º>


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Bishop, California


    Hey Benny,

    Awesome work at trying to reverse engineer such a complicated fly. I agree that 17 bucks is quite steep for a single fly. Keep at it and you'll get something that'll fish. Maybe Charlie completed many many hours of R&D on his fly and it might be hard to replicate or refine it but I highly doubt an angry, hungry Striper is going to know the difference. Keep at it and keep us updated! I'd fish that proto all day long!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Neither new or improved, but now in Redmond OR


    Some flies such as Charlie's Pole Dancer, Lee Haskin's Neutralizers, and Dan's tail-weighted seaducers are very dependent on the exact proportions and amounts of material to obtain the desired action. There's a lot more involved than just making it look the same. Be prepared to spend some time and to tear down and redo some flies.

  7. #7
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    Santa Rosa, Calif



    My post wasn't intended to discourage you. I had bought and used the standard Crease flies and caught thousands of fish before I knew how I wanted to adapt it to my standards while preserving its best aspects. I knew I wanted a fly that wouldn't fall apart after each Sailfish or Dorado. I knew I wanted different colors and shapes to try to achieve different sink rates and "wiggle" factors.That's the rationale for casting the original many, many times and getting to know the fly well enough before modifying it to your liking. Of course, if you're just trying to copy and tie bunch of Charlie's pole dancers, I would strongly advise you to make every aspect of the fly exactly the same, then see how your copies perform before changing it.
    my 2 cents

    Carl Blackledge

  8. #8
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    Los Angeles


    Carl Blackledge,

    definitely not discouraged. I see something that catches big stripers, and want to try and create something similar to catch the stripers close to home in the reservoirs. I could catch them on ima Big Stick, but have yet to catch any big fish on the fly. That is why I bought one Pole Dancer, I can not afford to keep buying files that are priced at $17 or more. So I have to try tying up my own flies. I'm not the best tyer in the world, most of what I have tied does catch me fish at one point. Some patterns work better than others. Quite honestly this is the first time I have ever tied popper flies. They are easier to tie for me since they are so big, I just can't see as well as I used to.

    The flies don't need to be exact, they just need to catch me a big fish or two.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Bishop, California



    Any update on this project?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Santa Rosa, Calif


    Quote Originally Posted by Flyfisher70 View Post
    Carl Blackledge,

    definitely not discouraged. I see something that catches big stripers, and want to try and create something similar to catch the stripers close to home in the reservoirs. I could catch them on ima Big Stick, but have yet to catch any big fish on the fly. That is why I bought one Pole Dancer, I can not afford to keep buying files that are priced at $17 or more. So I have to try tying up my own flies. I'm not the best tyer in the world, most of what I have tied does catch me fish at one point. Some patterns work better than others. Quite honestly this is the first time I have ever tied popper flies. They are easier to tie for me since they are so big, I just can't see as well as I used to.

    The flies don't need to be exact, they just need to catch me a big fish or two.

    Cascade Crest tools makes the exact popper heads AKA Rodger dodger that your looking for .. Go to You tube and look up how to tie the Pole dancer and Cascade Crest has a post on there, the Pole dancers aren't very difficult to tie, I just ordered a couple dozen foam heads and will be making some larger Dorado poppers in Green and Yellow and a Tan and white for Roosters even perhaps a blue and white and a few in Pink and white for sailfish. they will be fun to play with in Mexico. One of the biggest aspects about tying your own is for use in Salt water you can use your own really strong hooks needed for salt water fishing.

    Carl Blackledge
    Last edited by Carl Blackledge; 05-22-2018 at 09:16 AM.

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