I am working part time in the travel service for the shop now so contact me if you are planning a trip anywhere.

I have a nice group trip I am hosting to Cuba in May for some of the best flats fishing in the world today. This trip is full but we have another one in May, prime time for Tarpon migration, that has spots open. This trip is in the Cayo Cruz area and will be on the live aboard yacht, Avalon Fleet 1. Host will be Steve Jensen who has been to Cuba several time. This trip is normally $7.350.00 but we have a special price of $6,500.00 Let me know if you want to talk about this trip......

In July I am hosting a wonderful trip to the Mexican Yucatan for baby Tarpon. This trip is for a total of 8 anglers and I have 2 spots open. This is a special combo trip to two of the destinations, Isla del Sabalo, a remote fishing village and also Campeche which is a lovely small city with nice Yucatan restaurants. Contact me if you want to talk about this trip.....
