Hey folks,

I have been taking anglers to the Amazon for Peacock Bass for almost 15 years. This year I am running some trips in November to the Xeurini River on a special rate of $3500 an angler. This is at least $2000 less than other outfitters for similar trips.

I have fished the Xeurini River twice before and it is one of the best, most consistent rivers in the Amazon. Large Fish and lots of them. There are lots of different species of fish in the river including Arapima, Catfish, Payara and three species of Peacock Bass. The Xeurini River has many lagoons and lots of uncharted water.

We are able to offer this rate due to the great exchange rate right now between American $$$$ and Brazilian $$$$$. This is a new operation consisting of guides, Managers and owners from other existing operations that have gotten together and secured A private section of the massive Xeurini River.

We currently have a few spots available for the first two weeks of November at the $3500 rate. The airline tickets from the West Coast Right now Round Trip are less than $1300.00 so the entire trip is less than $5000.00 This is what I paid back in 2001 when we started running these trips out of the Old Reno Fly Shop. If you have ever wanted to go to the Amazon and catch Peacock Bass this is your opportunity to get into a river that has not been fished in years and that has huge fish at an extremely low fare. If you have any interest in this trip let me know soon. We are only taking 8 anglers per week and space is filling up fast.

Rob Anderson
Reno Fly Fishing Outfitters