Originally Posted by
John H
The kingfisher and the bittern did look like you were closer. Your kingfisher shot is a nice sharp one. I like that. The bittern is a beauty also. Just sitting down can make the birds more comfortable and get you closer. Standing seems to be much more threatening to them. Kingfishers here do the same thing when I am in a kayak or boat. 100’ is their limit and then they bump to the next perch and keep playing that game. Drives me nuts but I have given up so it kind of does not bother anymore. The kingfisher was my main reason for getting a photo blind. That is great that you are able to mix some photography into the fishing day there.
That crocodile looks pretty fierce. That is cool.
You have to put your photos on a hosting site and then copy the link to the hosting site into your post. I use Imgur. It is free and that is all I use it for. It is pretty easy once you get it going but it is desktop only. They don’t let you do a mobile upload of photos. They try to direct you to making a post on their site so you start a post, upload the photos for the post then delete the post before actually making it but keep the uploaded photos. A bit of work but they look really good full size in the post or at least I think. I used to use photobucket but they started charging a fee.