The big picture is not about personalities and who loves whom. It is about a very large, deep pockets holding company, Grizzly Hackle LLC, acquiring Kiene's then buying out their competition. Knocking off American is not only a smart move in terms of removing B&M competition, but picks up their very well developed web presence that Kiene's has never been able to get off the ground. Feeble web presence is also the Achilles heel of FF Specialties and the California Fly Shop. GH has the firepower to undermine them both. Put your head in the sand and call this an April Fool's joke (Mark Kranhold), but the reality is that small, independent fly shops in California are in the bulls eye. With out of state corporate dollars driving Kiene's and Bass Pro moving into Rocklin, it will be a pivotal year for Fly Fishing Specialties. Personally, I hope FFS can hold their own.