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Thread: Fly Tying Box - $225

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Sorry i sold It

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Sold it. already picked up happy customer

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Acampo, California


    Hesitant on parting with the box or not, he agreed to sell it to me for $200.00 - and if what he claimed were true: that the photo he sent me made the scratch look much worse than in person, I told him I would still pay him the $200 as agreed. I did not twist his arm! And getting a full price offer after he agreed to sell it to me and still having to ship it to the second buyer, which would reduce his net, who is the one being cheap! He agreed to let me look at in person and I tried to arrange a meet the next day. In any event, I am confident that you will not ask that I forward you our email correspondence. The fact is: he did not honor our agreement. Why don't you make a comment why he would quibble over less than $25.00. The gas to drive to meet him and back would cost me that and he could have simply said that he would only accept $225 regardless of the scratch. I will try and post the photo, though I don't think it would make a difference to you. Anyone wonder why he did not post a photo of the scratch in the first place. But the long and short of it is: he agreed to $200, and if he was being honest about the scratch, I assured him that I would pay him the ageed upon price. And I did not try a haggle; I simply made him an offer and he accepted. He has listed a wood pram on this site for $2,500 and over time dropped it to $1,000. He also recently listed a Dyna-King vise on this site for $345 in one place and $300 in another. I am a man of integrity and my word is my bond. I must suspect why you would defend him without all the facts... correspondence that I have offered to any member of this site. I am not trashing the man - simply stating the facts. He did not honor our agreement. This was not a verbal contract (he said; she said) it was actually documented in writing. I am contemplating spending far more than the cost of this box to teach him a lesson. Your response is only solidifying my resolve. Do a bit of contemplation and homework before you take sides or at a minimum excercise some caution before you lend your support to the seller.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Harry H. Shuler Jr. View Post
    I am a man of integrity I am not trashing the man .
    Seriously?? Get over yourself. this is between you and him. He has the right to sell his stuff to whomever he wants. He didnt take your money and run. He didnt screw you in any way. He simply didnt sell you his box. Sounds like he found satisfied buyer to me.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2010
    South Dakota


    Mods can we take this silliness down please?
    There are few things in life more pleasing than the sublime marriage of form and function that is found in a well crafted fly rod.

    Rich Morrison
    Vintage Powell collector/dealer

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    In actuality, its you that don't have ALL the facts.

    First, I don't think you could be faulted for offering the seller less than asked and you are certainly welcome to express your sentiments here, or anywhere else..

    You were NOT the first offer, I was. I am the one that he agreed to ship the box to.
    I was paying the FULL $225, +all his shipping/handling costs, +insurance for the full value, and the PayPal transaction expenses, ergo, he was not losing anything in the transaction as you automatically assumed.
    When asked, he was kind enough to send me a couple of good pics of the scratch and it was a nasty one (IMHO) that ran most of the length of the top. Although white could be seen through the green surface material (formica), I told him I could "live with that".

    Now, whether this has any bearing on the seller's descision to sell it you you or me, I can't confirm, but after seeing your post yesterday, I promptly emailed the seller and told him I was OK with him selling to you for what, in my thinking, were obvious reasons. It was his choice to make despite the fact I thought it was a "done deal".
    You got the happy!
    Let the rest of it go.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    East Bay

    Default teachable moment

    of what not to's truly offensive to read.

    I second Mr. Morrison, please remove this post.
    Exit 7

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