There are many great fly rod manufactures out there. Depending on personal preferences and casting styles some brands resonate more with certain people. For a while I have not liked some of the Sage rods over from the past few years, most have felt too fast/stiff for me, but I have to say that the Sage ONE is one of the most responsive an easily controlled fly rods that I have ever had the pleasure to cast.

My own two favorite rods that I own are both Scotts: 884-3 G Series, 1287-3 ARC

Generally I prefer soft-medium action rods for their "feel" but the Sage ONE has a faster action but they transfer a great "feel" when the rod loads, the line speed is very easy to generate and accuracy is very easy to achieve.

If you haven't tried a Sage ONE you should come by the shop and experience the Sage ONE for yourself, no joke they have impressed me that much!