This is my favorite time of the year to fly fish for Steelhead, swinging flies to eager fish in water that is usually not too hot and not too cold (October).
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September is sometimes warmer weather with warmer water too.

We like to fish very early this time of year starting out almost in the dark.

In September we are looking for low light levels of the early morning and late evenings, in the shade of canyon walls and on overcast days or even the shade crated by smoke?

In Septemeber we usually go out early and late with our break mid-day to rest and eat.

Fish can be found this time of year holding in the deep fast runs with the fresh salmon, in shaded canyons or below colder tributaries.

PS: In September I usually fish very early and very late in the low light level with a floating line, tapered leader and unweighter dark fly so the fish, looking up, can see my flies dark sihouette against the light of the sky.

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October is usually cooler with shorter days and more overcast and evena little rain.

This is my favorite month because the water is usually perfect then, not too hot and not too cold yet.

Swing flies on a floating line is my favorite way to fish.....this way you usually hook better fish.

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November is usally good too but late in the month the water can get cold enough that sinktips are the norm. Fish are still very active in cool water.

It is not as important to get out as early in November and with some overcast you can fish all day long.

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We are trying to fish in the fall because later the fish get up in those spawning beds and the water gets very cold making swinging flies a less efective.

Dec/Jan/Feb is an exciting time for the big fresh run winter Steelhead on some of the coastal rivers but the weather and water conditions are less predicable so success is not as common with a swung fly.

Mike McCune told me that the winter on the CA/OR/WA coast is the last place they can catch big wild Steelehad so it is not quality, but quality...and for the hearty fly fisher.
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Don't forget our local valley rivers like the Lower American, Lower Feather, Lower Sacramento and Lower Yuba Rivers which get smaller runs of Steelhead but they are closer.

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Try to plan a trip to one of the good fall rivers like the Trinity, Klamath, Rogue, Deschute or Grande Ronde.

Call us, email us or come by the shop.............this is Steelhead time.
