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Thread: Truckee, CA

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Truckee, CA.

    Default Fish stats

    Summers, most folks generally believe that once you hook up, you will probably get that fish to hand.
    It may be true on many waters, but not necessarily here.
    On the T the learning curve steepens dramatically between hooking them and landing them....
    Many of the best fishermen in the area have stories to tell, of auto accident- like moments.
    Short meetings with Walter....
    I've been lucky enough to see a few of these moments as well....standing next to them of course......

    Most of the time the transition from a pleasant fishing face, to "Game face" takes to long.
    The fish is already into his trick list before you know he's on.
    Since the last 6 guys to hook him couldn't handle chasing them down stream......he may go long.
    Turning sideways in heavy current is a favorite of theirs too.
    Or he/she may stay j-u-s-t close enough to that stump, or rebar.
    Some air-out regularly because that often works...
    (Think Polaris missile, 5 launches in a row.)
    There's the savage grab, that breaks you off immediately.
    Not even a chance to farm it....
    And most often seen, "TAP TAP TAP" and gone. No set necessary.
    (The last one is fun after several hours of casting/drift practice.)
    Focus fades, and there he is....

    That's the bar setting on the T, not just getting the grab, but dealing with it.
    If I was into numbers of fish, I'd fish somewhere else.
    But most of us live here because it ain't easy to start with, and only gets harder......
    Hang in there......check my blog post for more...

    Last edited by bigfly; 06-13-2012 at 01:11 PM.
    Bigfly guide service helping fly fishers since 2002.
    Truckee river and Northern California waters.

    For best results, fish on the fish's schedule, not yours....


  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Granite Bay


    Had a 14 inch rainbow scream line through my backing while jumping and shacking his head the entire time. So this Walter should be real fun
    got'a'boat (the man in the red pontoon)

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    south lake tahoe


    Three of went out last night. Talk about a late night driving up from south lake after work to fish the T. But worth it. Wish I didnt have to wk I stuck 2 on the indy within the first 20 minutes of being on the water. Farmed another on the indy. But when the sun startd to go down the fish became acrobats! And oh boy was i slow...or too fast at times. I missed 4-5 on dries and farmed another. My buddies got a few. One landing one nice 18er. And Chris coming up from the back of the pack and landing 6 fish on dries. A great evening on the T. I wish i had a helicopter to make that drive shorter.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Truckee, CA.

    Default Tis good....

    We are into Summer, for sure.
    Mid-day can be a bear.....bring a hat/sunscreen/Buff/gameface......(Drink water......but not out of the river...)
    A break mid-day is not a bad idea....
    But, early and late is amazing.....
    Went deep into the canyon last night.
    Saw one or two Drakes flying. Bring brite post-tie GDs for evening fishing.
    Fish were looking up, when the light left the water.
    Find a shady stretch for an earlier start to evening fishing.
    A blizzard of bugs near sunset.
    Caddis- Different sizes, size 20 through 10.
    Some lrg Golden stones.
    Many little yellow ones too.
    A few March browns. Nymph and adult.
    PMDs in all stages.
    Smaller Baetis 20-22
    BWOs sz 18-20

    Fish a bobber during the day, but a dry will work during the cooler parts of the day.
    Used the down-canyon breeze to Skitter/skate a Caddis, and GD, or little stone to good effect last night.
    Several large fish aired out chasing them. Woohoo!!!!
    (In low light conditions, maybe drift a GD dry, with a little yellow sally dry, behind it....)
    Just do your normal dry fly drift. When it hits the end of the drift, raise your rod high and get ready.
    Many fish missed in the excitement, set slower................God save the queen........or count to 3 before putting the hammer down. Good luck on this....
    Bring a headlamp (So you can get back to the car if nothing else.)
    I recommend a staff for night wading......
    Maybe pre-rig several fly/dropper setups. This is when the "tackle buddy" shines.
    Bring extra flies on c&f threader too. A magnifier is good at night whether young eyes or older....
    Time is of the essence.....during a hatch window. Say 2-3 hours.....
    Fish dries on 4x during the day with mud....
    Once the light leaves the water, I recommend using 3x for your dryflyin', with a loop knot....
    Broke off a fatty on 4x last night. Some true brutes feeding...might still leave a only a small ring....set easy.
    Hooked up another time with two fish at the same time....
    Landed a 14" wild bow, but couldn't land the big guy (22-24" Brown) as well.
    OMG. 3x wasn't enough.
    Try a streamer at dawn too. 2x or better.
    Water temp 63 green/clear and fishy.
    Should be good the rest of the week.....

    Last edited by bigfly; 06-15-2012 at 01:20 PM.
    Bigfly guide service helping fly fishers since 2002.
    Truckee river and Northern California waters.

    For best results, fish on the fish's schedule, not yours....


  5. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Truckee, CA


    Yellow sallies were going off the other night like an upside down blizzard.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Truckee, CA.


    Too true Dan.
    Thankfully, we don't have to shovel this blizzard.....
    Bugs tickle a bit, up in the nose, eyes, all over arms, neck......
    Won't complain though...

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Truckee, CA.


    Flows changed without asking me first.....
    So, the perfect evening is thwarted......
    Why do I bother with reports?
    Because, folks need to know.
    Just realize that by the time you drive up, it could be different.........
    Having said that..... Today was really good.
    Gill's snow shoe sallie got lots of looks and some takes too.
    Use a dropper as well, micro may, or a midge, or a WD, or a Juju.....
    And catch fish......
    Find softer water to fish during the bigger flows.
    I would guess these are recreational releases.
    Monday may return to normal.....
    Give it two days if the flows come down, then attack.
    Very muggy green drake weather.
    Be there, or be square.
    Two nights ago was some of the best fishing I've had.
    Treat them nice.......

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    vacaville ca.

    Default flows

    So that's why the water was a little off color?!?
    Just got back from there. Higher than I like it but still managed a few on top. Hope they stop that nonsense with the flows soon. Cheers, Paul

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    East Bay


    Got takes at the end of drifts this weekend. Fish seemed to be eating just under the surface or on top. Looked like micro mays, BWO, or PMD. I saw a few green drakes this morning. Only caught a few but watching my better half catch her first fish on the fly on her own was worth the whole weekend.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Behind the Potato Curtain


    We fished for a few hours yesterday evening. Bugs were off, caddis popping in the evening. No sign of sallies or drakes. Found some small fish on top, and swinging soft hackles, and broke off a piggy short line nymphing late afternoon. Nice was to spend the evening, nobody around either.


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