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Thread: Bay Delta funds daily removal of Stripers and other bass using large nets

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Nor Cal

    Default Bay Delta funds daily removal of Stripers and other bass using large nets

    while going over the implementation cost & funding sources I noticed the DAILY predator control funding at "hotspots" using seine nets.

    In addition it calls for the removal of all old pilings, or structures that provide shade.

    See for yourself....the devil is in the details....

    8.4.15 CM Predator Control

    BDCP Chapter 8 - Implementation Costs and Funding Sources 2-29-12

    if you keep reading..... it looks like they are proposing to hire 17 new wardens for illegal harvest of "covered species" assigned to the new Bay Delta Enhanced Enforcement Program.....really?

    appears like an attempt to eliminate all non-native fish and outlaw fishing for all native species

    Predator control methods will include: (1) the targeted removal of predatory fish species (i.e., striped bass, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass), (2) the elimination of certain structural components within river channels and sloughs known to attract or concentrate predators, (3) the

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Question BDCP....

    Does kinda sound like back to the future, again.... How is targeted removal of predators, native or non-native, conserving the Delta

    Removal of structures that affect flow fields sounds more like an attempt to continue channelizing of waterways to improve flows to the pumps. That's a great conspiracy theory, tho.

    Thanks for posting this information. Now, I gotta do some reading.
    Last edited by Darian; 03-28-2012 at 09:40 AM.
    "America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote."

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sacramento, CA


    I just get pissed off when I read this stuff anymore.... Fish and game won't help our deer herds at all but they'll let bs like this happen? I've seen it with some of the public wildlife areas around here, they totally destroyed the hunting there because they go in and remove all the cover to decrease waterflow impairment during the winter when and if they flood. And now it seems they want to do the same to the fisheries, remove all the cover that attracts fish and eradicate them where they congregate and on top of it all, they'll probably just dump all the fish they catch at the dump.... I'm glad I paid for the Delta stamp and striper stamp all those years... they sure got us good on that one.

    If that's their purpose anyway... I can see removing some of the old structures if they're a boating hazard etc...
    "Did you catch anything".........."No, did you"........

    "Hey man, mind if I fish here?"....."Yes"...."Thanks man!"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Question "....targeted removal of predators...."

    I'm wondering how use of a large purse seine will avoid by-catch of say Green or White Sturgeon, Delta and Longfin Smelt and/or other native and/or endangered species A purse seine is hardly able to be used for a specific species....
    "America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote."

    Author unknown

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Default Seine's

    Don't forget that this was drawn up by idiots in a vacuum. They really have no idea about these lofty goals, other than their own objectives.

    Amazing we can actually discuss funding the destruction of a fishery. It used to be we liked fish. These guys, like some of the farmers I know up north, would like to simply turn the rivers into giant irrigation ditches, by stripping away all vegetation.
    When all else fails, put down the pole and swim with the dog.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Nor Cal


    Quote Originally Posted by Jgoding View Post
    I can see removing some of the old structures if they're a boating hazard etc...
    if there will be an boat launches left....once you start digging into this thing you'll see that most marina and launches will be lost during construction

    make sure to check out the EIR's.....lot's of "Permanent displacement of existing recreational facilities" showing up

    but in the end...."it's all good"

    CEQA Conclusion: Channel modification and other activities associated with implementation of some habitat restoration and enhancement measures would limit some opportunities for boating and boating‐related recreation by reducing the extent of navigable water available to boaters.

    Temporary effects would also stem from construction, which may limit boat access, speeds, or create excess noise, odors, or unattractive visual scenes during periods of implementation. However, BDCP conservation measures would also expand the geographic extent of navigable water in various locations throughout the Plan Area, leading to an enhanced boating experience. Because these measures would not be anticipated to result in a substantial long‐term disruption of boating activities, this impact is not considered significant.

    There will be plenty of Delta to explore......good luck finding a place to launch

  7. #7
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    Sacramento, CA


    I guess I only get worked up because all 'their' solutions involve eradication when they don't understand that the problem is of water abundance, water quality, habitat quality, and habitat availability and the pumps messing with a lot of fish.

    We can eradicate stripers, bass, and everything else but if more habitat isn't made available and current habitat is not improved the fisheries are still doomed and in the end we're worse off then we started because everyone is just looking at $$ to be made pumping more water so ag can sell it off or farm water intense crops in the desert or export crops or commodity crops which in the scheme of things do not feed America other than someones wallet.

    And of all things, if we don't get the rain and snow in the mountains no matter what is done they're screwed anyways. That's why I do not understand why we want a peripheral canal or to raise Shasta.... most of the time it seems they can't fill it anyways unless we get a wet year especially if the lake has been drawn way down the previous year.
    "Did you catch anything".........."No, did you"........

    "Hey man, mind if I fish here?"....."Yes"...."Thanks man!"

  8. #8
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    Jan 2005

    Arrow Persistence....

    Well,.... Seems like the Ag water distributors/users are not going to give up until they get what they want. First, the proposed state legislation to remove game fish status from stripers, then the Lawsuit that DFG settled resulting in the proposed changes in regulations increasing limits on Stripers. Now, the same group (Westlands, etc.) has participated in writing the BDCP that includes elimination of predators and non-native species.... All the while receiving massive direct cash subsidies from the feds/state and buying water at below market value. Amazing!!!! Gotta give 'em credit for being persistent, tho....
    "America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote."

    Author unknown

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Nor Cal

    Default They want your help to eradicate fish

    The gall of the people writing this stuff is we're going to tell them where to go fishing

    "public surveys (e.g., asking fishermen about striped bass catch locations)"

    Mapping and assessment of predator hot spots will be determined using a combination of aerial surveys (e.g., mapping of nonnative SAV), direct operations (e.g., agency staff on boats in the Delta), inventory in geographic information systems (GIS) databases of known hot spots, and public surveys (e.g., asking fishermen about striped bass catch locations). Evaluation of control measures at hot spots will include documentation of location, size, type, structural elements of the hot spot location. The abundance and species composition of fishes (nonnative predators and covered fish species, in particular) will be monitored before and after implementation of the predator control measures to evaluate effectiveness.

  10. #10
    Mike O Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Jgoding View Post
    I just get pissed off when I read this stuff anymore.... Fish and game won't help our deer herds at all but they'll let bs like this happen? I've seen it with some of the public wildlife areas around here, they totally destroyed the hunting there because they go in and remove all the cover to decrease waterflow impairment during the winter when and if they flood....*snip
    Most of those WA are ony there because they ARE flood control areas. Removing the "cover" (they don't take the trees, etc) is part of being a bypass. Sorry, but I gotta disagree with you on this one. I hunt these areas as well, and just stick to the trees, and suck up the fact that the brush gets taken out.


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