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Thread: Rules...

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Guys!!! Its simple. Its not complicated. Stop trying to complicate this issue. answered your own question here...

    Quote Originally Posted by Yard Sale View Post
    I get that there is a proper way to educate people. When I was learning I payed some dues for poor handling, etc. But if we aren't able to call out those mistakes here, in a respectful manner, then aren't you not only encouraging those poor ethics but promoting them?
    Stop trying to read between the lines. Aarons original post stated it SIMPLY and CLEARLY.

    Be respectful.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Actually

    This seems to say you shouldn't say anything on the forum:

    If you have criticism do it in a way that isn't going to start a public fight ie Private Message. Nothing good ever comes from a public call out. Our biggest concern is people shying away from posting because they don't want to have to defend themselves from the arm chair quarterbacks of cyberspace.
    So if somebody posts a pic of a fish on the rocks we should just PM them? That makes it so all the other people viewing that post think its okay. I can just see the "well so and so put their fish on the rocks" excuses...

    Settle down there mayhem, just trying to clarify.

    Wait, did you just call me out publicly?
    Last edited by Yard Sale; 01-09-2012 at 05:38 PM.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Grass Valley


    I joined the forum a while ago, and have been using it more often since the local fly shop closed down. There is always a nicer way to express personal views without turning it into a heated debate, and that is what Aaron is trying to do. From my experience, when you fish to experienced ones that have done it for 20+ years, and you do something that was not proper etiquette they kindly help you. Fly Fishing is about helping people, and encouraging each other on tactics, not to turn against one another.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Behind the Potato Curtain


    I don't think I can make it much simpler than this: use common sense. Nobody likes an internet tough guy.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Okay!

    Jeeez. What do you expect from somebody dumb enough to stand in freezing water swinging flies for fish that aren't there all winter? Point taken.

    Now after all this talk I sure hope to see some content from all you naysayers!

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Yuba City, Ca.

    Default Get Rid of USER Names

    As a moderator of a board I think it would be very beneficial to controlling this kind of problem by using a person's REAL name. If you have something to say be strong enough to stand up and say it and don't be afraid of letting everyone know who you are really. By using a USER NAME it permits the person to hide behind what anonymity this psuedo-nick name has given the person who is making and creating these problems.

    Perhaps even requiring a REAL NAME to be used as a part of the person's profile would stop a lot of this. I'd even go so far as to require a real address.

    Just my two cents,
    Feather River Fly
    Yuba City, CA.
    (530) 790-7180

  7. #27
    Mike O Guest


    I have always known that this is an invited forum, paid for by Bill. However, I also see that, as in the immortal book Animal Farm, "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others". It seems that some of the more regular and numerically superior posters can get away with a little more ragging on others.

    I have to accept that, due to the private nature of the forum, but it rankles a little bit. There are certain posters I will never respond to, due to previous (IMHO) bad attitude towards my posts. That is just the price of doing business.

    That being said...I have never felt this way when being helped or conversing with Bill himself. Thanks for providing this place, sir.

    If YOU don't like the rules...go to the Drake


  8. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    San Jose


    Hmmm.... real names WOULD help.

    Reminds me of how I use to be a bit of a dick behind the wheel, until I eventually got a work truck with a big ol phone number on all sides of it. Changed my bad driving habits real quick.

    Sammy is my real name.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    At home


    Quote Originally Posted by Scott V View Post
    It is called common courtesy chainsaw which many people seem to forget. And that is one of the problems with some people on this board. People putting down other people based on the way they fish is wrong, if a person wants to be a purest snob then they should keep to themselves and not tell others how to fish, especially when how they are fishing is legal. Making assumptions is another big problem, too many people assume that a persons catch is going to die or has died when they have no idea what the condition of the fish is since they were not there. What is worse is when those same people have drawers full of "hero" shots but yet they feel it is there duty to put another person down for doing what they have done. I use to post on Kiene's board a lot, but I was smart enough to stay away from the steelhead section since that is where 95% of the pissing and moaning comes from. Some people need to get over themselves and just need to move on. As for your 1st amendment rights, if you want a board that is not moderated then open your own board, this is Bill's board and he can have what ever rules he wants, like it or not.

    It seems it is at least once or twice a year there is a problem with people on the steelhead section, strange how it rarely if ever happens on any of the other sections.

    Well said.

    So many strong anglers with so much good to give have faded out of here only to lurk from time to time. This has become the place to be humored by from the sidelines when the doo-doo hits the fan and the gavels and powdered wigs emerge. It should be a place to come and look at kick a$$ photos, learn new tactics, and congratulate solid achievement.

    Bring the civility back, and the strong posters with great stories and thirty high quality photos full of scenery and fishporn will come back. Shoot....I even changed fly shops because of the hate that was breeding over here, because a sanctuary was created here for haters.
    "No matter how hard you try bro, you just can't turn a douche into a rose." (Anonymous)

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default chickens in the yard

    the people that want the smack talking to stop.... can't stop talking smack. read your own words,and let it go. you guys act if the fate of the world is hanging in the balance. i speak my mind and it's dooms day. you guys fire back and it' justified because your the good ole boys. welcome to the world with 5 billion people. peace


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