Picked up Eric in Fort Collins and headed for Wyoming. We swung flies for 3 days and caught some big rainbows and browns.
I was using a Beaulah 5/6 wt. classic switch rod. Eric used the platinum Spey. Black and copper were the colors of the day.
The sun was bright and it was warm. This made the fishing tough during mid-day, but we were committed to swinging. We could have fished deep with SJ worms and caught a lot more fish, but I could have stayed home for that. Most fish were caught at dusk. Eric caught the best fish of the trip, a 23" brown. My best fish was a little smaller, 20". Most were 15"+. There was one supprise. While reeling in my line I saw a big splash about 15' in front of me. It was a 20" walleye! Having never seen one before I reached down to lip it. Luckily I saw the teeth and grabbed my forceps.
If you go check out "The Reef" fly shop. It's right on the road leading to the grey reef section. They offer drift boat rental and shuttle service.

Thanks for reading, pictures to follow soon.