Just returned from our annual Silver Creek trip. Don, our friend Mike, his 2 grand kids and his son-in-law left a week ago Wed. I had to work so followed them out, leaving 3 AM Sunday morning for the 12 hour, 720 mile drive to the camp ground - got there in time for the Sunday evening fishing. My first fish came on my second cast - a nice 17" rainbow

The hard core group are Don and Mike - Don and I have been coming here for over 25 years and Mike at least 10 years

It was a good trip though we had really squirrly weather with rain, thunder and lightening and wind and hatches were a bit sporadic at times and ranged from size 16-18 PMDs (duns and spinners), Callibaetis, size 22-24 tricos and size 26 Baetis. My most productive pattern was a trico emerger (comparadun) I put on after watching the fish feeding on a trico dun hatch. Very few fish were taking duns but I saw lots of fish swirling and saw a few duns pop and fly off. My next best pattern was a size 26 Baetis spinner. Here is a photo of a clump of trico spinners Mike found floating by

Don casting to fish in the flats using a Callibaetis spinner

And Mike with a fish on

More to follow........