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Thread: Flyfishing for Carp

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Thumbs up More Carpin'....

    All this stuff about Carp reminds me that one of the best places for large carp is on the banks of the Sacramento River in Old Sacramento. Back when I was still workin', a bunch of guys and I would bring some stale bread to work and walk down to the piers where the Delta King was docked and feed dough balls to the Carp. Seemed like an endless number of Carp around 20 pounds with many larger. The water in that area is very deep and the current is always cookin'. But the Carp would come to the surface to pick up a dough ball dropped in. Gotta be some places around there that a guy could get into and fish....

    I'm not sure the city would approve of fishing down there (especially fly fishing).
    "America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote."

    Author unknown

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    no. cal


    there are tons of places in the back sloughs of the delta to find carp on top

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Mountain Ranch


    This is filmed in and he is from South Korea, not Japan. Oh, the time's I've wanted to abandon a traffic jam and cast to some carp!


    Quote Originally Posted by jbird View Post
    A few comment on this video...

    - Great sound track and composition!

    - Seems like a really cool guy. Having lots of fun and Id like to fish wiith him.

    - Interesting fish fighting techniques. Love the rod behind the neck move for landing fish. I dont know if he was submerging the reel cause its cool...or because its hot and he wants to cool off, or if his reel has no drag and the water resistance adds drag. Im guessing the latter?

    - Dont know where he is, Im guessing Japan? Pretty impressed hes releasing the fish considering carp is a delicacy there.

    - Those carp are rolling like steelhead and feeding like trout!

    COOL! Thanks for posting.


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