From Denny Rickards web site:

After three years of writing, researching, testing on the water, taking pictures for the book, laying out the book's chapters, table of contents etc., the book is finished and has finally arrived to be mailed to all of you who ordered in advance. Mailing was completed Tuesday, March 9. All of you should be receiving your copy sometime this week or early next week.

The book looks great and I hope all of you will learn a lot from it.

For those of you who haven't ordered it, you can do so here from my site or call me direct and I'll take the order over the phone.

The book has 17 chapters, 287 pages which is almost l00 more than my first book, "Fly Fishing Stillwaters for Trophy Trout", close to 200 color photos and is in hard bound cover. Retail price is $39.95. Of course, all orders will include a signed copy. It's taken me almost 3 years to research and write it and this book includes everything you need to know in order to fish and catch trout in lakes, reservoirs and ponds.

That includes understanding trout behavior, the impact of natures conditions on trout and their food sources, learning which line, pattern and retrieve that matches the zone you choose to fish, where to start your day, positioning to make the right cast and much more.

This is as complete a book as I think you will find on fishing stillwater including a chapter on testing your knowledge on a variety of lakes from April through October. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed researching with rod in hand on the water.

Over 287 pages ,200 color photos. Hardbound

$39.95 Hard bound