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Thread: Anyone fish the ponds on the north side of Natomas

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    As Bill mentioned, Notomas used to have a great Hex hatch, so did the William B. pond. As a teenager I used to fish the ponds that are now under the Kikoman factory and the car dealerships; I think they got bulldozed in the early 90's. I also fished Notomas and the hot ponds on the American because they were all within reach of my bmx bike. All those ponds used to have a good number of bass in them up to about 3lbs, although occasionally you would stumble onto a 5lb'r. Notomas still has quality bass, they just hold in deeper water than your used to looking for them in.
    Notomas has held the two past state record trout. I think the current record is around 27lbs caught by guy around Rainbow Bridge. His fish beat a 25lb'r that was caught by a little girl fishing with her Barbie rod and a worm under a bobber at the beach area.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005


    Good stuff Charlie. I used to fish William B. Pond (aka Arden Pond due to that is how to get there) a lot. The AR overflowed it's banks & took over the pond. I haven't fished that place in past couple years because of this fact.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Fair Oaks


    Back when DFW was planting Natoma (not Natomas), I used to fish it 4-5 x a week as I live practically on it. I went out in the winter too--that was mostly practice though, not recommended. The trout are mostly gone now as they haven't planted (lawsuit requirement) for about 25 years or so, and until recently the bass haven't been much better. About three years ago we started hooking some bass again. My only bass over 10 lbs was taken in the tules at Willow Creek on a Cabela's 5 wt. fly rod--I got quite a ride in the float tube! That was maybe 25 years ago.

    The ponds that Scott mentioned used to be good, although we got most smaller fish there. I've heard they are carped up pretty good now,however there are bass outside of the ponds in the main lake.

    A few weeks ago a few of us went out to Willow Creek and we all got fish. Mine were really small. A couple caught were legal. That's all good because clearly they are reproducing again--we think the carp ate the eggs and fry until recently.

    As mentioned, you can score decently in the deep water, but it's very spotty. I used to know the lake as well as most anyone, and none of my old spots are working.

    As to the trout, there are a good number of wild trout above Rainbow, up to the Folsom cable, and I wish you the very best on hooking one. We have tried over the years, and failed, even for some "average size" trout we could see. The depth there is about 34' and that's where the big guys hang. I have heard some guys with conventional tackle have been successful a little down from the bridges.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2016


    I love willow creek back 25 plus years ago when it was just a cobble road all the way in , that’s where I went almost daily for the hex hatch and were able to catch multiple species including ducks chasing the bugs. Now it’s gone and I wonder why it’s really sad to me because it was such a great local fishery. Are there any small mouth left in there?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Fair Oaks


    Quote Originally Posted by Jake B View Post
    I love willow creek back 25 plus years ago when it was just a cobble road all the way in , that’s where I went almost daily for the hex hatch and were able to catch multiple species including ducks chasing the bugs. Now it’s gone and I wonder why it’s really sad to me because it was such a great local fishery. Are there any small mouth left in there?
    Jake, there are, but like Folsom the Spots are dominant. I have not caught a decent smallie there for a good 10 years. Last trip one of the two I got was a smallie, a juvie, good news.


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