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Thread: "Sage Brush Rebellion"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Question "Sage Brush Rebellion"

    Return of the wild west Not hardly.... But, according to the SacBee, it seems that there's a revival of the states rights movement looming in Utah where the governor signed into law 2 bills that encourage use of eminent domain to take over federal lands. In Utah's case, the feds own 60% of the available land. The purpose of all of this is to encourage economic development and generate fees/tax revenues for state/local governments. Proponents hope that others will follow in Utah's footsteps. The Feds don't seem to be worried about this. I can't recall the exact doctrine involved but the feds are a superior authority (respondeat superior ). Of course, the superior authority theory is always open to challenge.

    Other states are watching as this could mean mega-bucks if the litigation that will follow is successful. Of course, litigation of this sort will run up massive legal bills for public/private attorneys alike (note to self: go back to law school ) and take a lengthy period of time to resolve. Thus, running up the cost of government substantially.

    If successful, just imagine the ecological/environmental damage politicians of this state and its political subdivisions could cause if they were able to rest control of public lands in this state from the feds (not that the feds are that much better....). All in the name of generating an ever increasing stream of fees/taxes.

    I have mixed emotions about this. I'm all for adequate funding of governmental activities at all levels but this type of initiative would most likely result in privatization of much or all of our public wild lands and restrict access for all except those who have $$$$ to pay for play (a la Westlands).
    Last edited by Darian; 03-29-2010 at 10:45 AM.
    "America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote."

    Author unknown


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