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Thread: Save the Salmon!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    San Francisco

    Default Save the Salmon!!

    I just got the following information from my brother:

    "In case you haven't heard, Senator Feinstein is on the verge of imposing federal legislation to lift Delta pumping restrictions. This will have serious impacts on our 2012 salmon run. Those fish are in the river as we speak, trying to make their way out to sea.

    You can call Feinstein's office at 415 393 0707 and encourage Feinstein NOT to lift the pumping restrictions, and say why - that our runs are in critical need of both water and safe passage to the ocean.
    You can also email her at this link:

    Use this letter:

    Dear Senator Feinstein,
    I am writing to let you know that I support the NMFS Biological Opinion, which favors pumping restrictions in order to preserve the Sacramento River's chinook salmon run. Our salmon runs are at historically low numbers, and without adequate river flows and safe passage to the ocean, they are likely to go extinct before long.

    Please consider the plight of our salmon and our salmon-fishing industry before lifting any Delta pumping restrictions."

    If you can take the time to call or email Feinstein's office, I think you'd be doing a good deed for future salmon runs and the health of the delta in general!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Philbrook Lake


    it is turning out that Feinstein is just as much a greedy whore as pombo was....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Just to clarify a bit... Sen Feinstein intends to include an amendment to a Federal Jobs bill that would guaranty water deliveries at 40% of federal allotments for Cal farmers for the next two years regardless of the amount of water available. The last two years farmers have gotten 10% of their allotments.

    So basically, since her Corporate Ag money sources cant get around the ESA, she trying to sneak it in via amendment to a bill that is almost guaranteed to pass.

    EVERYONE PLEASE send letters/emails letting her know what they think about this sneaky water grab!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Placer County

    Default The Bigger Picture

    "DiFi" needs to hold accountable all that make up the San Luis Unit, which by the way, still owes $450 million in construction costs, not to mention complete disregard to dealing with the wastewater problem.

    But, since she's been bought and paid for by the San Luis Unit, et. al. then she needs to be held accountable. DiFi is trying to secure a guarantee water supply AND relieve them of the half century old drainage problem.

    Unfortunately, voter apathy has given her comfort to run amok with complete unaccountability.

    Finally, I was flat out shocked during the last national election of how so many became activist over Prop. 8; many literally standing on street corners with signs for and against, etc. Yet, we have blatant decades old corruption regarding the CVP (water project) and the average voter accepts 'looking the other way'.

    Like Darian mentioned in an earlier post..... The political parties know exactly who their constituents are and just how DUMB they are too.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Question Legislation....

    Modified text (e-mail) sent....

    Text follows:

    Dear Senator Feinstein,

    "It's my understanding that you intend to place a proposal to establish a minimum water allocation for California agriculture over the next two years regardless of the availability of water from run-off/storage. I want to strongly oppose any introduction of such a proposal until after completion of the review by the National Academy of science (you commissioned) is completed and results are available for review. Any such proposal would tend to undermine credibility of the review and the current order/oversight by the USDC in Fresno.

    I support the NMFS Biological Opinion and Judge Wengers decision/oversight, which favors pumping restrictions in order to preserve the Delta Smelt/Sacramento River's chinook salmon runs. Spawning of both species are at historically low numbers, and without adequate flows and safe passage to the ocean, they are likely to be pushed go extinction."
    "America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote."

    Author unknown

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Vacaville CA

    Thumbs up Right on guys

    It is good to see the passion you all have for this issue. I believe like the rest of you that theese are huge issues and we the people of California and the United States of America need to voice our oponions more and louder than ever before. In reading the paper this morning this very issue was on the front page. There was also to my supprise in the article discussion of a tunnel proposal that would diverd the water without using the pumps. The first thing I thought of is if you dont see the water in a aquaduct ( above ground ) you wont think of it. I think that there is just not enough water to send other places. That water belongs here and is supposed to flow wherever it flows naturally. If that water was ment for the centrial vally and southern california then it would be there. When I think of all the water we send away from Northern California via pumps or man made diversions i think of the man made country of Dubi. Frankenfienstien and others think they can play god and it makes me want to go through the roof. If you all dont mind I am a member of a few other sites like this and I am going to pass this on along with the link to Frankenfienstien and the pre written letters.

  7. #7


    I used the link to send an email, thanks for putting it up here.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    San Francisco

    Default Call to Feinstein's office

    I just called Feinstein's office and talked to someone there who tried to defend the increase in delta pumping saying that it's creating jobs for the farmers. Granted, there are people that work the farms and need that water, but they're putting billionaire agribusiness in front of the thousands of people that gain employment from all the salmon industries. And they don't care if the salmon go extinct!

    Sorry to pester everyone again, but I strongly recommend calling Feinstein's office and giving them a piece of your mind. For one, it feels really good! here' s the number again

    (415) 393-0707 and the link to another article about the chinook decline.

    Last edited by SFMike; 02-16-2010 at 02:35 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Agua Fresca


    Here is Feinsteins info once more(top of this thread)

    Please do call! Its working.


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