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Thread: my first DSLR

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Stockton, CA

    Default my first DSLR

    Well, I think I've decided to jump in to the DSLR world. All of these great pictures that you guys post, along with the fact that I've got a 2 year old son and another one due next month, has convinced me. I've done a bit of research and I think I've narrowed it down to a few options: the Nikon D40 or the Nikon D5000. Obviously the D40 is a bit cheaper but it also has fewer features . Since I'm going to be learning as I go, will I ever miss the features found on the "better" D5000? I don't mind spending the extra few hundred bucks if I am truly going to get a better product, but if the D40 has all of the features that I'll ever need then I'll save the cash and get a better lens. I've read all of the reviews that the mighty internet has to offer, but as fellow fly fishers, outdoor enthusiasts and parents, you guys understand what I want from a camera and it is your opinions that I value most. Oh, and if the D40 and D5000 are completely horrible cameras, tell me...I don't know much! I look forward to everyone's thoughts.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    tahoe city, Ca


    I currently have the d40 and i think it is a great beginners DSLR. I got the package for around 500+- and it gets the job done. It all depends what you will be shooting- if you're looking to blow some pictures up real big- go with the 5000 because it has a higher megapixel quality. the d40 is good also because it is easy to learn and shoot manual on but i have found that after about a year i am out-growing it. No doubt you can shoot awesome photos with the d40 and it has great capabilities so my recommendation is to get teh d40 and invest in a good lense. just my 2 cents!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Sacramento, CA



    If you have a 2 year old and a new one on the way I would recommend going with the D5000 for the autofocus alone. The autofocus in the D5000 is the same as the older D200. It is a very capable autofocus system and is definitely better for anything moving (i.e. kids). I started with a D50, which uses a very similar system as the D40 and it had it's troubles with autofocus.

    Also, the D5000 uses the same sensor as my D300, and I can tell you it is amazing with the right lenses. For the landscape photos on my website I could have honestly taken the exact same shots with a D5000.

    Good luck with the purchase and congrats on the new family member.


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