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Thread: Hard Head turning White

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Default Hard Head turning White

    I was messin' around with Striper flies the other day. Epoxied the head, stuck on the eyes and coated with Hard Head just like I always do. Went to the river to give em a test run and the head on one of them turns totally white (I can't see the eyes on the fly) after being in the water for a couple of minutes. After drying (warming?) it went back to normal.

    Anybody know what causes this? Never had this issue before and would like to avoid it in the future.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Thumbs up Clouding....

    I've not experienced this, myself and am not an expert in adhesives but.... This is my best guess.

    This subject came up over on Blanton's BB a short time ago. Same issue, same product, same result. No real answer but it seemed like it had something to do with condensation/water being absorbed by the material that caused clearing. So, clouding may be caused by thickening/drying of the material.

    Hard Head is a water based product and can be thinned with water. That being the case, the material may've dryed or thickened and cleared when absorbing water in fishing the fly.... Try thinning the material before using....
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