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Thread: another 6/2 AR report

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default another 6/2 AR report

    no fish caught by me; no other fishermen seen. zip. nothing. nada. not a soul for miles. A brisk evening. No idea where or when others are fishing (not stated).

    The weak run of shad continues, as indicated by low fishing pressure and the spotty catch.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    It seems like you're having a tough year. I would respectfully suggest that maybe there is something awry with (a) your setup or (b) more likely the water you are fishing. Are you fishing from a boat or wading? Most of the spots I fish (and there's only 4 or 5) you need a boat and I only have a pontoon, but I would be happy to share them with you. In 8 float trips and 3 wading this year I have yet to be skunked (knock on wood). Yes, there were a couple of one fish nights. Two I think. The previous 2 years have been terrible (for me). I'm sure there are plenty of others here who would be willing to help you get back on track.

    Last edited by nightgoat; 06-03-2009 at 09:12 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    I personally dont get the whole posting of no fish trips. If some other thing happened of interest, thats cool, but to just post you went fishing and got skunked, whats the point??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Sacramento, California


    I think this years shad run has been great. I fish from a boat and am using 250 grn lines or heavier. I have been using fairly heavy shad flys and fishing from 8 till 12 A. M. I have been on the A.R. for the last 6 wednesdays. Last week I got skunked but every other day I am averaging 12 fish to the net with probably 6 other good bumps and a few long line releases. If you are having trouble getting fish hire a guide for a 1/2 day and learn from them. Bill at the shop can recomend a guide and with the economy there are some great dealys to be had. Don't give up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Placer County

    Default 700+ Lightening Strikes and Counting.....

    I'm speculating.... But that ginormous storm that moved through Sacramento onto Lincoln/Colfax produced 700+ lightening strikes as of 10PM this evening and may have had something to do with the lack of shad fisherman this evening..... Man, it was quite a show for about an hour and it dumped a ton of rain too. I haven't seen lightening like that since being back east.......

    Overall, it's been a tough shad year (higher flows and other variables considered) if you compare it to 8 to 10 years ago. But, what fishing is actually better than 8 to 10 years ago?! I like the reports of good catches (and bad) and I know they are from people that are mobile and on the water almost as long as the fish are <grin> Unfortunately, that is what it takes to catch fish these days..... even for what I considered to be 'gentlemen fishing' or 'social fishing', which was shad fishing.

    I hope shad fishing doesn't turn into another GRIND like so many other forms of fishing have become the past 10 to 20 years.... It's always been such a relaxing thing to do (no brainer) after an arduous day at the office.
    Last edited by OceanSunfish; 06-03-2009 at 10:40 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by jbird View Post
    I personally dont get the whole posting of no fish trips. If some other thing happened of interest, thats cool, but to just post you went fishing and got skunked, whats the point??
    Its just for info.Sometimes people have alot of choices and its tough to decide where to fish.Sometimes there is not alot of time to fish so a skunk report can actually help someone decide on a given area.Just my thoughts.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    San Jose


    Here's a tip for you fledgling shad fishers. If you can't find the fish, find the people. People are a whole lot easier to spot! If no one is out fishing your favorite spot, odds are it's because there ain't many fish at that spot! And just one hot spotting tip, there were tons of cars (and people) at Upper Sunrise last night! Last night, shad were caught by us from Paradise all the way to Upper Sunrise (and places in between!). The shad are there you just have to find them. And I don't agree this years shad run is weak, nor do I rate it as epic either. IMNSHO, I'd call it an average year on the AR.
    Last edited by Bob Laskodi; 06-04-2009 at 01:24 PM.


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