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Thread: Gas prices effect on the FF industry??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Reno, nv

    Default Gas prices effect on the FF industry??

    I wanted to start a new thread on this since the other thread was getting a bit too heated for my taste.

    I noticed in the last thread that somebody was appalled at $3.30 gas in April. Yet, here we sit a month and a half later, and the cheapest gas I can find is $4.07. My California friends are telling me gas is more like $4.40 and diesel $5. At $4.40 a gallon that's double what we were paying not too long ago. Hard to say where prices will go, but I can definitely see gas getting over $5 in the next couple years, and $10 within the next decade or two.

    Question in my mind is will these prices affect your fishing habits, and how will they affect the industry as a whole?

    One area I see taking a major hit is guiding. Most guides travel long, long distances every day - 50 miles or more is not uncommon, some guys over 100 miles. And the rigs driven by most guides are gas-guzzlers, to tow a drift boat, etc. If the cost to get to a guided destination goes up for the client, and the cost of a trip has to go up by say $50 to cover the gas for the guide, I see the "law of supply and demand" kicking in. Most guides I know have a hard enough time making it when the economy is good. If things go south, coupled with ridiculous gas prices, I am beginning to wonder if fly fishing guides are about to take a major hit.

    As far as the rest of the industry goes, it will be interesting to see what happens. I think growth in the industry will continue to be slow, but I suspect those hard-core folks addicted to the sport like I am will continue to spend their money.

    It will be interesting to see what happens over the next 5 years. With gas prices changing like they are, I think we are in for some evolution to the flyfishing industry as a whole.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Fresno, CA


    I think you're going to see some major changes not only in the fishing industry but travel as a whole. We are seeing the future travel right now with airlines filing for bankruptcy, cutting back on flights, charging for baggage, even your first check-in, cutting back on the weight limit per bag and increasing the price for airfare.

    I always thought the price for a barrel of oil would show up down the road for on the price of gas.

    After putting a Frankin in my tank this morning, it might slow my fishing travel down somewhat. If I could ride a bike and tow my pram at the same time, I'd be doing that. I know as a kid, I use to have a ricshaw to transport my surfboard to the beach or thumb a ride.

    Back in 1970 when I was in Germany, gas was around $4.00 a gallon then, I"d hate to see what it is today. In La Paz, the price of gas is 90 cents per liter, which is roughly $3.65 per gallon. Sounds cheap but at $6.50 per day (minimum wage) for those people, that's a pretty good chunk of change. That's not counting rent, electricity, water, etc...
    The cost of food is almost or equal to the cost here in California.

    People who are retired and on a fixed income really feel the crunch. Fortunately for me, I did some good investing while I was working.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Default Negative Impacts....

    This is going to become a quality of life issue for all of us real soon. That standard of living, for most of us, has been stagnant for some time now; paying more for goods and services impacts individuals in a very negative way. Guides, as well as all other small and large businesses, will go out of business due to lack of customers. Many auto dealerships have already closed their doors in this area. As Jay points out, low cost and easy travel may be a thing of the past. We worry about the impact on the fly fishing industry but the economy, as a whole, is circling the drain with gas prices only one of the real contributors. Try things like massive balance of trade trade deficits, record deficit spending running into the long term future stagnation of dividends/earnings and the prospect of having to raise revenues to pay for our past indiscretions in governance, to name but a few.

    The irony of all of this for fly fisherman is that we advocate for fish, fisheries and habitat restoration and, ultimately, may not be able to afford to travel or buy equipment, etc., to use.... Oh well....
    "America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote."

    Author unknown

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sebastian, FL, USA, Earth


    Back in the 1980s Venezuela raised their gasoline prices from 15 cents to 25 cents a gallon overnight and they had major rioting. I think 1,500 people died.
    Bill Kiene (Boca Grande)

    567 Barber Street
    Sebastian, Florida 32958

    Fly Fishing Travel Consultant
    Certified FFF Casting Instructor

    Cell: 530/753-5267

    Contact me for any reason........

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Getting time off is the only thing stopping me from traveling .
    I can justify paying the price of gas for pleasure . Fly fishing, hunting and photography are my only addictions , and good ones . I will be Planting a big garden to help with food cost . I have one 3 wt , two 5 wt , and one 7 wt rod . Don't "NEED" any more rods. Flies are the thing i buy the most and with Cody working at a fly shop he gets them at cost .33 each . So buying gas is the only really big expense we have .
    Vets , Thanks for your service !!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Fair Oaks

    Default 2 wheel it boys

    I've purchased 2 motorcycles over the past year. One is a klr 650 dual sport. It avg's 50 miles to the gallon. what a great way to enjoy yourself on your way to enjoy something else.......FISHING!!!!!! I can also take this enduro to places I could never get to with my truck.

    These bikes have a ton of aftermarket items that can make them more convenient for fly fishing\camping. I pack my tent, rods and all the other things I need to fish and camp. Yeah, I have to deal with the rain and other minor inconvenices, but they're very small considerations in the greater scheme of things.

    It's a great way to go fishing (as long as some Hummer @#$ hole doesn't run me over while she's on her cell phone)


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