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Thread: Beulah Line Discussion

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Default Beulah Line Discussion

    Frequently we are asked about how the Beulah line series matches up with rods and line weights. Bruce Berry posted some excellent information on the Spey it is:

    Keeping the Elixir in perspective? The main goal with the Elixir was to create a two-handed line for a series of really short (10'6") could be spey rods called Switch series. There really was not a line commercially available uncut or tweaked to some extent that was really nice to cast spey style on these rods! Elixir's were also essentially reverse engineered so that there is a nice wide fudge factor to lengthen the line with Poly Leaders and open the grain window possibility.

    I saw a question about grams for the Elixir 5/6. That will serve as a good example but I have only grains not grams sorry.

    ~Elixir 295 grains for Switch 5/6. casting head is 27' to integrated running line
    ~Airflo Poly Leader addition...10' = 37' overall head
    ~Add 2-4' of running line hangover to find sweet spot depending on tip
    ~Add 4-5' of tippet and you essentially have as much as 46' out of the tip

    You now have a system for swinging streamers that is really good from a leader cast with 2'-3' of the head out to 65'-75' including the full head and a shoot. For versatility the Elixir is short enough so that it can handle an Airflo 10' floating Poly leader that weighs 30 grains, or a 10' fast sink Poly Leader that weighs 38 grains, or a 10' Super Fast Sinking Poly leader that weighs 60 grains or a 10' Extra Super Fast Sinking Poly leader that weighs 90 grains. The fly sizes that seem to work really good with this system would range from mini-intruders, small string leaches to any size #10 streamer or steelhead pattern. You'll also find that if you are not a huge Poly Leader fan that any length of Rio T-8 up to 12' will also cast fantastic on an Elixir. Just think about keeping the tips 14' or shorter and 100 grains or lighter and you'll have an enjoyable set-up that just about anybody can enjoy regardless of skill level with a two-handed rod.

    The Switch 8/9 and 9/10 have a bit larger fudge factor window for tips with and Elixir. Elixir's are also killer one false cast overhead shooting lines with poly leaders attached. You can move a lot of line in a quick hurry this way and is probably the benefit of a Switch over a single hand rod comes in. I can easily hit 100' when needed with one false cast an Elixir and a Switch rod. I know I can hit 90' w/ a single hand rod...probably not 100' definitely not in a stiff breeze and who knows how many false casts it would take to get to 80' consistently in a real fishing situation with a single hand rod. We carry and will gladly sell a single hand rod to anybody who's buying, but, Sh'ers also have their boundaries and a single hand rod in a downstream and across presentation isn't even fair to be compared to what a Switch can do!

    On the other hand, there are definite limits to what the Elixir can do...some of those limits include large intruders w/large dumbbell eyes and all flies similar, long chunks of Airflo CCT200, Rio T-11, Rio T-14. I believe that is essentially the limits of all Scandinavian head type lines.

    For casting the heavy stuff w/o compromising the feel or castability there are now more options to look at. Rio Skagits (tougher due to length on our lighter 4/5, 5/6, and 6/7 options), S.A. Spey Skagit Deluxe (best again on our 7/8, 8/9 and 9/10 models), S.A. Single hand Skagit (smallest line starts at best on our 8/9 and 9/10 models), and last but not least our new Tonic line. The first production batch is in and all but gone, but, don't worry like Doritos...we'll make more. Here's the scoop: They are matched to each of our rods just like the Elixir...are available as head only or as full integrated lines (Dirty Orange head, Putty Grey running line), and are factory looped. The line is more Skagit-e than Scandinavian but compared to the king of Skagit Rio (Scott O'Donnell, Mike McCune etc), it is not a Skagit at all and primarily why we are calling it a heavy tip, big fly line. For the Tonic (chronic) think of an Elixir shortened on the front end that took a bunch of steroids (like most MLB players) or excuse me (HGH) and you have a better line for moving more mass. The grain window fudge factor is now 30% larger than the Elixir and will accommodate all the big nasties you feel confident about catching fish with. The big benefit: once you are used to casting an Elixir, the Tonic reacts and feels the same not causing the fisherman to change, adjust or alter his/her casting stroke in the least to have fun chucking big ass flies and tips up to 130-140 grains. The downfall: there will be some stripping a shooting just like all the other Skagits in the world.

    Hopefully this came off as more informative and keeping things in perspective than opinionated I am definitely not trying to speak from a taller pedestal than everyone else is standing on.

    Bruce Berry~
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sonoma/Lake Counties


    Hi Terry - very intersting post. Who is Bruce? Does he work at a shop? I like the sounds of the Tonic Line?

    One thing I question was his talk about the SA single hand skagits starting at 420 grains? I thought they had a much lower range that worked well with light switch rods?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Bruce is the NW rep. for Beulah. He was, in large part, responsible for the design of the Elixr and new Tonic lines. We are close to getting the Tonic lines in the shop. At this point the hold up is in the "packaging." I agree, it does sound a little heavy for the S.A. Single Hand lines. I went on line and couldn't find the information. I have an email in to the rep. to get the information. If I don't have it by Monday I'll weigh them at the shop and post the weights.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Behind the Potato Curtain


    I'm fairly positive 420 grains is the upper limit for the SA single handed skagits. I believe they start in the 280 grain range.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    S.A. Single Hand Spey:
    5wt. 280 gr. 22ft.
    6wt. 320 gr. 22ft.
    7wt. 360 gr. 23ft.
    8wt. 400 gr. 23ft
    Received the Beulah Tonic lines today. Will post a report later on the weekend. Jeff, perhaps a test on Saturday?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Citrus Heights


    Hey Terry!

    Thanks for the free test drive. It actually it wasn't free because I liked your 7/8 Beulah Switch rod so much I had to run over to the shop and pick up one for myself. When you talk to Bruce about the Tonic head, please get his recommendations on tips and poly leaders to use with it. Thanks.

    Jeff C.


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