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Thread: Disappering Striped bass...No wonder...

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    North Highlands, Ca.


    Alright, it's been 12 hours since I went to check out Prospect Island. Now I gotta ask. WHERE THE HELL ARE ALL YOU STRIPER FISHERMEN? I'm not even one of you, I'm a hack. I've got a pram and an electric trolling motor. The biggest Striper I've caught was maybe 5 pounds. That one fish has shown me the potential of what's out there. HELLO! Do you even care? I haven't even started to tap into what the delta has to offer. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE? Are the majority of Striper fishermen totally apathetic to the fishery as a whole? I gotta say, as I drove around down there this morning I really expected to run into at least a couple of other concerned fishermen. Nope, not one. Yeah, I'm pissed. At you. And you. Where the hell are you guys? Look, I'm not an activist of any sort, I don't like or even approve of most of the stupid enviromental activist crap that we all hear about. But c'mon, this is fishing 101. Dead fish=no fish to catch or release. Sooner or later you have to take a stand, our fishery depends on it. While this battle seems lost, there will be others. C'mon people, stand up and be counted. Ed
    Elwood: It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses.

    Jake: Hit it.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Placer County


    Message deleted by author.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Placer County



    I understand your frustration.

    Sadly, there are many beaten down striper anglers that have tried for decades to 'make a difference'. I personally know of a handful that attempted many different efforts dating back to the early 80's that have simply given up, both protesting AND striper fishing altogether!

    Perhaps the holiday has distracted the hearty from chiming in and responding, I don't know.

    With some foresight, proper planning, and notification, I bet there would've been quite a gathering of volunteers to assist in rescuing the trapped fish.

    Unfortunately, the Feds pulled a 'quick one' AGAIN and are laughing all the way back to DC. It's sick and it's amazing how these bureaucrats can find satisfaction in their work knowing full well that what they do/did is nonsense.

    Nevertheless, we must stay vigilant, observant, and be better prepared to thwart the next Federal caper.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Mike and Ed, I too am saddened by our fishing community, save for a few right minded people like yourselves. In panic, I contacted news 10 by email about this late last night and have not heard a peep from them. Have you all had similiar results with media folks? I have no experience with them but I figured maybe we could shine a little light on the Feds, an unfavorable light, and maybe they would try and save face by helping save the fish, especially the endangered ones. Also, where is CSBA, and the other big fishing groups on this? has there been a back channel plea for help and we don't know its fate yet. I am more than disappointed by the lackluster response from other boards as well. I can see no reason for shyness on this subject, I mean where are the leaders on this. Like Ed, I am no real threat to catch a lot of stripers, like Mike M is, but I do enjoy the ocassional chase a lot. I would hope the folks who regularly pound them would show up when it counts, I think their voices would help. The sound of your silence is deafening and sends the wrong message. Harley

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Tracy, CA


    Ed, I was following this very closely to see what kind of rescue attempt could be mustered until I found out there was no way for anyone to get in there.

    Lack of posting doesn't necessarily mean folks don't care or aren't willing to take action.
    -- Mike

    Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Default Striperzzzz.....

    I'm with Mike. Everyone needs to calm down and take a deep breath on this. It's Thanksgiving weekend and most people are traveling/visiting relatives\friends. One thing we need to acknowledge is that this BB community is largely oriented towards Salmon, Steelhead and Trout; Stripers are secondary....

    Now, from everything I've read about this, we're at a stalemate at Prospect Island. Apparently, info about the project to drain the island has been available to the public for some time but overlooked (for whatever reasons). So, if any of you have seen the movie, Rising Sun, there's a line from it that applies here: "We're playing that most American of games, catch-up."

    There's an topic under the Conservation Forum of this BB entitled: G.W. Bush signs executive order to protect Stripers, posted by Mike M., that looks like it might apply. While it is too late to address the current situation, it is possibly the answer for any future problems of this nature (including the proposed Delta re-design) and should be brought to the attention of all of the officials responsible for natural resources with emphasis directed at the state officials who have exhibited an indifferent attitude towards the existance of Stripers on the Pacific Coast.

    In terms of the overall Delta picture, the Prospect Island situation is a lost skirmish compared to the Governor's $10 billion proposed Delta re-design war. The bond issue for that will be on an upcoming ballot for all of the people of this state to vote on. The time to fight against that is now not after it's passed. Get out and educate/inform people. Become an activist/advocate and don't forget to vote.

    Wheew,.... I'm getting off my soap box now.
    "America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote."

    Author unknown

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Placer County


    I spoke with Bob McDaris this morning. He is spearheading a group of volunteers that are on call, ready to get a possible "okay" to go onto the island and rescue as many fish as possible.

    Unfortunately, not much can be done until perhaps Monday when the bureaucrats return from holiday. However, if permission is granted sooner, then the effort will commence immediately.

    Bob Simms, the Sac Bee, and various internet BB are staying abreast of the situation so stay tuned.

    Regardless of this situation's position in scale to other heavy topics such as the "canal" or other bond issues or even what party boats kill off in a few short weeks in the summer, this is an opportunity for us to actually do more than write a letter. Getting out there and physically participating in ACTION vs. words is fundamentally, American, is it not?

    Stay tuned.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Fair Oaks CA


    Here's a video for the fish kill from channel 31 look up (thousands of fish dead in the Delta) on page 2 or 3

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Fresno, CA


    This is sad, too see all those stripers dying or dead. I just watched the video clips from CBS13. If the guy at Arrowhead Marina wants too charged for the use of the ramp, why not get a group of guys together and use some of the money raised at Striperfest. Isn't that what the money is for - saving the striper population. I'm sure there's a good chunk of change in that fund.
    Has there ever been a print out to where and the $$$$$$ amount of how these funds are used?


  10. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Calveras County


    Quote Originally Posted by Darian
    There's an topic under the Conservation Forum of this BB entitled: G.W. Bush signs executive order to protect Stripers, posted by Mike M., that looks like it might apply. While it is too late to address the current situation, it is possibly the answer for any future problems of this nature (including the proposed Delta re-design) and should be brought to the attention of all of the officials responsible for natural resources with emphasis directed at the state officials who have exhibited an indifferent attitude towards the existance of Stripers on the Pacific Coast.

    Unfortunately later I found out from a few folks that know, That executive order GW signed only applied to striped bass that were in waters where they were already protected from the commercial fishers...Call it a con job, mis-guided effort or what ever..It was simply a feel good, do nothing publicity stunt when it comes to the bottom line...As far as any effect on west coast striped bass..never happen never will. West Coast stripers are simply an "exotic" species that prey on "endangered" native fish....

    The truth of the matter is that as far as the federal and state bureaucracies are concerned, the striped bass is "dangerous" fish to them for the following reasons..It is an extremely popular game fish and as such has a large following in the angling communities. This following has the potential to become a large problem with respect to the government's (both state and federal) failure to carry out their mandated responsibilities as Trustees of the Public Trust resources and enforcing wise and resonable use of the peoples waters.
    Several of the latest court cases in which the fisheries were the victors (to a point anyway) support that thinking...So now we are beginning to see an all out assault on striped bass by BuRec, DWR and Federal Fish and Wildlife. The recent bogus lawsuit by the water contractors against DFG for restrictions on the harvest of striped bass, The fact that the BuRec/DWR wants to back out of giving anymore "mitigation" monies to DFG for the destruction of millions of striped bass over the life of the CVP/SWP are other troubling signs of things to come..

    There was absolutely no reason for the Prospect Island fiasco..There were several ways they could of taken care of the "safety" issues as far as boaters were concerned and protecting the levee on the other side of Miner slough from wash out. In my mind this fish kill was deliberate. There is simply no other reason for it...


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