Last night, my son took the boat out with a friend to fish for Catfish on the Sacramento around the Freeport area. They anchored and set up for some fishing. During the evening, he decided to stand at the same time his buddy moved from one side of the boat to the other. Of course, the center of balance shifted, sent my son lurching and over the side into the darkness/current.

He didn't tell me how he caught hold of something on the boat but, fortunately, he did. The next issue/problem was how to get back into the boat. My son's friend is much smaller in stature than my son but thought he might be able to assist by pulling him over the side. Thankfully, one of 'em observed that they were tipping the boat and stopped. My son pulled himself over the transom (the outbaord was not running). Again thankfully, water temp's were relatively warm so hypothermia didn't become an issue. Neither my son or his buddy was wearing their PFD's, at the time.

This is an example of how things can go wrong in nothing flat but had a happy ending. If it weren't so frightening, it would've been hilarious.