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  • DLJeff's Avatar
    Today, 10:48 AM
    DLJeff replied to a thread A few bird photo's in Photography
    Ahhh, I forgot about Imgur. I used to use it alot and still have an account. Thanks, might have to resurrect it.
    73 replies | 135274 view(s)
  • DLJeff's Avatar
    Yesterday, 08:30 AM
    DLJeff replied to a thread A few bird photo's in Photography
    Thanks John. It's a mixed bag. Sometimes the birds set and let you get pretty close, sometimes they're spooky as any. The kingfishers notoriously...
    73 replies | 135274 view(s)
  • DLJeff's Avatar
    02-04-2025, 08:28 AM
    DLJeff replied to a thread A few bird photo's in Photography
    Here's a couple more.... Sunbittern, normally a very skittish bird but this one came into our lunch spot to feed He caught a minnow 9 times...
    73 replies | 135274 view(s)
  • DLJeff's Avatar
    02-04-2025, 08:24 AM
    DLJeff replied to a thread A few bird photo's in Photography
    We get mostly sharped-shinned and Coopers and they're identical except in size. The sharpies are about half the size of a Cooper's. Here's a couple...
    73 replies | 135274 view(s)
  • DLJeff's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 05:38 PM
    DLJeff replied to a thread A few bird photo's in Photography
    This Cooper's Hawk perched in our ghost juniper out back for quite awhile this morning. I snuck out the back doo but when I got to the corner of the...
    73 replies | 135274 view(s)
  • DLJeff's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 05:32 PM
    The guy who purchased all of EF Payne's bamboo rod building equipment and supplies set up shop here in Bend, Oregon. His health deteriorated...
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  • DLJeff's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 09:55 AM
    Capra - sent a reply to your message.
    5 replies | 1534 view(s)
  • DLJeff's Avatar
    02-03-2025, 09:54 AM
    DLJeff replied to a thread Fishing Stinks in Photography
    Great ruby kinglet shot John. They are difficult to get a decent shot of and especially to see the red top knot. I was down in the Amazon last week...
    3 replies | 225 view(s)
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About DLJeff
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Neither new or improved, but now in Redmond OR
* Interests:
fresh, salt, cold, warm, tying, photography
tired and retired


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