Conversation Between Fochetti and Frank R. Pisciotta

1 Visitor Messages

  1. John---nice seeing you yesterday. Per our conversation., Below is ther e-note I sent to you via ORVIS-Reno e-mail last March. DID YOU EVER RECEIVE IT?


    "John---per our phone conversation yesterday (Wednesday March 3 2010):
    1----I am not available for the first week-end of the Orvis Days since I’ll be at the Clearwater Lodge assiting with the one week guide school; April 25-May 1, 2010.
    2----I am receptive to be at Orvis Days’s second Saturday (May 8, 2010). Only on the stipulation that you provide a digital projector (and someone to assist me with the connection of computer to projector). I am willing to do two presentations; “Fly Fishing Opportunities in the Truckee Area” and “Fly Fishing Chilean Patagonia”
    PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU SECURE A PROJECTOR and I’ll then commit to May 8th
    3---Below you’ll find a proposal for clinics…whoever assists makes $$$$….pertinent stuff I’ve hi-lighted in yellow.
    If you want to set-up some clinic dates for 2010 I am receptive. We will finalize particulars later.
    If you want some copy I have some ready to go…let me know.

    1----Select two (2) one-day dates or a one two-day date for intermediate clinic/s. I’m willing to spec the dates with 30 days notice prior to the date if there are sufficient attendees.
    2---Relative to 4c below; merely substitute “intermediate” for “novice” and we can also tweak the copy. Such as “…intended for those who know their knots, have hooked, landed & released some trout & can cast 25’ accurately …” Reference the one-day clinics annotated in my “Reel School of Fly Fishing” on my homepage. As an example; “…unstructured, free flowing outings intended to provide some insights and nuances…” of various techniques and fly angling concepts.
    3---My fee is a minimum of $450 per day (depending on how pro-active you want me to be prior to the clinic), plus the 3% of gross fees I pay to the USFS for commercial use of forest lands.
    4--Please consider a collaborative Two Day Basic Skills Clinics ($400 per person). I’m willing to spec a two-day period with the store. I can do a hard-copy blub if you wish.
    a---There has to be a minimum of three students to run the clinic. If such, I am the only instructor and do not need assistance. I will pay a 10% commission if just three students; hence $120.
    b----If more than four (4) students and up to six (6) I will pay the one assistant for the two day clinic the following; $600, $750 and $900 for 4 (four), 5 (five) and 6 (six) students , respectively.
    c---The assistant stays here at my home. Obviously the assistant has to have some fly fishing experience. I am the lead and the assistant can just follow my leads…there is no pressure because this is a novice clinic. The intent is learning the basics and not catching…it would be a bonus. A solid foundation is provided and the student can pursue the sport at their leisure while having some concept of what to do.
    d---We have to agree on the 2-day period and how much notice (I’m thinking 30 days) is given me as to whether there is a minimum of three people (enough to do the clinic) have signed-up.
    e---Clients book through me, not store. You make sure that they let me know that Orvis Reno has referred them.
    NOTE: Click-on “Reel School of Fly Fishing” and “Basic Skills Clinic” on my home page for reference Also, if you haven’t; my image for my bio.
    John, if interested, let me know and we can discuss particulars, suggestions or any of your comments and input you may have. I view all of the above as a mutually beneficial opportunity.
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