View Full Version : Vest Fly Patch?

01-02-2007, 07:47 PM
I have a foam patch on my vest to store wet flies when I switch them out. Since I normally use barbless, I have found that, even though I set them deep in the foam, some tend to fall out. Does anyone have a better method to keep track of wet barbless flies while fishing? I don't mind losing one to a big trout, but it is annoying to have one just fall off. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.


01-02-2007, 08:37 PM

You might try replacing it with a magnet. You can get magnetic sheets that are thin and soft so you can cut them to size. buy some peel off adhesive velcro to stick to the back of the magnet and put compatable velcro on your vest (if it doesnt already have it)...just a thought.


01-02-2007, 10:14 PM

The magnet sheet is a great idea. I've also lost a number of barbless flies from the fleece patch on my vest over the years, so I've been trying to think of another strategy. Maybe Fishpond or some other innovative company could come up with a combo magnet-fleece or foam patch?

01-03-2007, 12:08 AM
SA makes a c & f micro slit foam saltwater vest patch that has worked well for me. I think part of the trick with vest patches is you have to mount them high enough so you don't rub them too much. I think thats where you lose flies on foam and fleece.
i put this patch at about my collar bone and at an angle so as to back the fly in. no losses yet...

01-03-2007, 09:56 AM
Maybe the best thing to do is to use some form of dessicant to dry the flies and put them back in the box :?: :?: Set the box out (open) to let 'em air out on return.... 8) 8)

01-03-2007, 11:06 AM
Here's the C&F one. I've thought about it, but think it might be little too much hassle??


01-04-2007, 11:11 PM
Hook 'em in your hat. I had the same problem until I went to the hat-keeps them out of the way, dry quick, and are readily available if you try everything else in the box and need them again.

01-04-2007, 11:40 PM
Actually it's this one...


Kinda misleading in that it says saltwater patch and it's not in the "patch" area..
looks like this (on the backpack strap)
Pack strap is a pretty good fly keeper too...
Been a good big bug Steelhead patch for me..


01-05-2007, 11:13 AM
Yeah Right Will! Just looking for an opportunity to show off your fish :D :D .........nice fish 8)


Bill Kiene semi-retired
01-05-2007, 11:59 AM
Thanks Will

We will have to get some of those in the shop.

We have tons of C&F but did not see that one.

01-05-2007, 12:14 PM
Jay.... 8)

works best mounted at an angle (not as shown below)...

so you can back the flies into the foam with your dominant hand... holds em tight.

01-05-2007, 06:16 PM
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I have several C&F flyboxes in my vest and really like the microslit system. The saltwater patch looks great, but I think it is designed for larger flies. However, all of this discussion gave me an idea. I ordered a microslit insert for flies size 10 to 24. I am going to cut off two rows and put velcro on the back to attach it to my vest. I think this will work out fine and I'll let you know.


Mike O
01-10-2007, 02:16 PM
I asked the same question at the shop about 6 mos. ago, and the answer I got from your staff was to use a small fly box or container. I did, and am very satisfied with the result. very small (3" or less) 3 compartment round box, one compartment big enough for streamers or stims. have it tied w/ cord to my vest and stored in an upper pocket. I drilled small holes in it to let the flies dry. take them out at the end of the day, and put back in the regular fly box. haven't lost one yet from storage.

01-11-2007, 12:22 AM
Anything resembling the texture of human flesh should work. I don't think it needs to bleed but, then again, maybe that's the quality that attracts the fly.

01-11-2007, 02:45 PM
Finsport makes a chest patch with a velco flap that keeps the flies contained I bought one for a friend at Blue ribbon flies in West Yellowstone but have not seen one around here. it is the third item down.


01-11-2007, 02:47 PM
Bill--I hope you don't mind the reference to another fly shop but it was the only place I could find the item.

01-20-2007, 09:22 PM
I like the vest patch that jblack posted. It looks like it would definitely solve the problem of losing barbless flies from a foam patch. However, as I had already bought a microslit insert for a C&F Designs flybox, I decided to go ahead and try it. I cut the insert in half and put velcro on the back so it would stick to my vest pocket and it looks like it should work fine. Total cost about five dollars.

If it doesn't work as well as hoped, I am definitely going to try the patch jblack found.

