View Full Version : Delta Report

12-12-2006, 05:38 PM
I took a friend out to the delta late Sunday morning after coffee and a few moments with family. Left town and headed out in high winds and heavy rain anticipating a weak outgoing afternoon tide... three real good reasons to stay home! But I couldn't stand not having anything pressing to do at home and not fishing... so we went anyway, not expecting to do very well... and we weren't disappointed!

Down pouring rain on the way down I5, by the time we turned west and got to the Mokelumne to launch and fish the San Joaquin, the rain had stopped... but the wind picked up! Urg! (I'll take the rain over wind any day). But we had no rain at all and the wind ALL afternoon!

Joe quickly hooked a 5.5# early on at our first stop, and, unfortunately, that was the big fish of the day. We caught about 10-12 each, half keepers about 2-3# and half shakers. Five stops today and only two or three produced a fish. I located a nice school of fish in one area that accounted for 90% of our take today but the bigger fish eluded us. Best news, even with the high winds... neither of us ended up with a hook in the back of our heads (although I did have to dig Joe's fly out of the back of his jacket once and I think there's a new ding in the motor cover).

Anyway, nothing to get excited about but I would encourage you to get out there as the water is in pristine condition, which can/will change quickly if/when heavy rains arrive. This time of year the water begins to "turn over", and can get really clear and areas of warmer water can exist adjacent to cooler water. I found water at 52.5 degrees right next to water at 48 degress... and magically, this is where the school of fish were.

All fish released to fight another day! Good luck to all...


12-12-2006, 05:44 PM
Thanks for the report. May give it a try this weekend.


12-12-2006, 06:07 PM
Ron, great report! I admire your perseverance -- when I saw the rain and wind that day, I decided to stayed home. :oops: Bottom-line: you and your friend caught fish and got some good intelligence on what's happening out there, good for you guys! 8)