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View Full Version : Delta , 11/15/'06

David Lee
11-15-2006, 08:58 PM
Hit the Delta w/ Tony Buzolich and his friend Bob today .

KILLER day out there .... sunny , warm , no wind , etc. !!!! Quite a few Largemouth and several Stripes up to 9 lbs. , no records broken for numbers , but a GREAT DAY , none the less !!!


David :D

P.S. - If you're looking for a good Delta guide , give Tony a call - he busted his butt to get us into 'em . =D>

Adam Grace
11-15-2006, 11:54 PM
Good for you guys!

11-16-2006, 12:27 AM
Sounds like a great trip David! Happy to hear you were able to get some time in on the Delta and get into some fish. 8) 8) 8) Did any of the fellas get any pictures? :D Also, just curious, were any of the LMBs taken on top?

David Lee
11-16-2006, 03:17 PM
Hi Mike !!

Tony got a few shots .

Never fished a dry line , just heavy stuff and Streamers . Biggest LMB was perhaps 2 lbs. ?? We covered over 40 miles of water looking for Stripe .... :shock:

My ol' sissy arms are a bit sore today :oops: :o

David :D

11-16-2006, 06:21 PM
David, what kind of boat does Tony pilot so I can look for him while I'm on the water?

David Lee
11-16-2006, 07:07 PM
David, what kind of boat does Tony pilot so I can look for him while I'm on the water?

Hi Jerry !!

You know ...... I haven't a clue !! I think it's a Habercraft or Harbercraft ..... something like that . Nice , big Skiff w/ a 50 horse 4 stroke on it .

Can you tell I know squat about PowerBoats ?? :oops:

Hope you two hook-up and have a chat sometime !!

David :D

Bill Kiene semi-retired
11-16-2006, 08:59 PM
We have a category for "Boats/anything that floats(you)."

I think it would be great if everyone put up a good side shot of their boat out on the water so people would know what to look for out there.

Would be terrible to be within yards of a message board member and not know it.

That Delta is a special place, especially when the weather is nice.

I think November is considered by many to be one of the very prime months for Stripers.

11-16-2006, 09:14 PM
Great idea Bill, I'll get to it tonight!

Tony Buzolich
11-16-2006, 10:36 PM
Thanks for the compliments David. It certainly was a great day.

Fog or no fog, we decided to go. Sometimes you just have to take a chance and this one turned out really good. The fog burned off, the sun came out, not a breath of wind at all, and got to spend the day getting to know another board friend.

Got on the water about 7:30 am and checked out a couple of the usual spots to no avail. Lots of bait in the water but nothing busting, and, no birds working. Active birds are always the best sign that something is going on. Bumped in to Shane Hardin with two casters and his story was the same,,,nada.

Decided we needed to find some moving water and hit one of my other favorite spots( No maps or "X's" here guys). Sure enough the tide had just started to come in, the water was really clear, and David hooks up on I think his second cast.

Now for the perfect Kodak moment,,,,, only the camera won't come on??? :(
No problem, David makes another cast or two and is hooked up again with another striper at hand. But, the camera still won't cooperate and no pictures of David are to be had.

We move to several more spots and eventually hit Mildred taking a fish or two at each stop along the way.

Once at Mildred, Bob Bradbury (the rest of our crew) takes a nice 9#er and we keep searching. Can't ever seem to find the big schools we'd like like but still keep picking up one or two here and there.

Arms and shoulder hurting today, David? I've never fished with anyone who cast more consistant 80'-100'ft. than this guy. Not just at the start of the day either, David kept it up all day til we left around 6:00pm.


I've got a white 19' Harbercraft Nahanni with a 50hp Mercury 4 Stroke. There's only one other on the delta like it and it belongs to a friend from the Solano Fly Casters Club.

Yep, it was another great day on the delta. It's definitely time to get on out there. The stripers are fresh in from the salt and very strong. Most all of them took the fly deep.

Here's a pic of Bob Bradbury with one of our days catch.

Thanks again David for sharing a great day,
http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b320/buzolich/bradbury120.jpg TONY

Tony Buzolich
11-16-2006, 10:47 PM
Yes, the camera finally got working. Probably operater error on my part. :?

You can tell from the picture how warm it was and how flat as glass the water stayed all day.

Bill, the idea of the pictures of our boats is great. I'm sure I've bumped in to other board regulars out there and not recognized who they were.

See Ya out there,

11-16-2006, 11:01 PM
Arms and shoulder hurting today, David? I've never fished with anyone who cast more consistant 80'-100'ft. than this guy. Not just at the start of the day either, David kept it up all day til we left around 6:00pm

Consistently looong casts and laser-focused, relentless pursuit. . . yep, sounds like the David I know. 8) :D

David Lee
11-16-2006, 11:13 PM
Arms and shoulder hurting today, David?

Not bad , Tony ... not too bad . Elbows are a little sore , but my EGO is killin' me from all that stepping on the line while shooting at Stripe !

That's a great shot of Bill - he was a great guy to spend the day with !

Thanks again for being so kind to share some of the 50+ years of knowledge you've picked-up out there . Your middle name should be CLASS ACT .

ANYTIME you want to get together ..... :idea:

David (keep your feet off my running line) Lee :D

David Lee
11-16-2006, 11:17 PM
Hey , Mike !

I DID make one good cast ...... :evil:

80-90 feet , all straight except the fly , leader , and about 10 feet of tip BEHIND a dock :shock: :shock: :shock:

I couldn't do that again if you put a gun to my head :lol:

David :D