View Full Version : Day 26, Found em, but in 88 degree water!

07-12-2006, 08:56 PM
The wind has been blowing in Mulege for the last two days but looked like it was going to lay down a little in the afternoon so we headed out at 5:30 to get in an hour's worth of fishing.

I was going on my cooler water theory and headed where I believed the fish would be, a spot about 16 miles out and a heading of WSW. At 14 1/2 miles I saw birds working dead ahead. We punched it and were on them in a minute or so. I dropped the hoochie and my partner, Fabian, owner of another boat dropped a feather. As we let line out we could see Dorado jumping around us.

My line was out only seconds when the reel began screaming. I was hooked solid to a ten pound female. Fabian reeled in his feather and picked up his light bait casting rod and stuck a fish on the third cast. I brought my fish in quickly and then picked up the flyrod, a few bad casts and then a nice long one. Oh... No... into a big and solid bull. This was going to be some work. The fish took off on a great run and then decided to fight me down and dirty and headed for the depths.

I had to drop the rod tip down into the water and point the rod at the fish and pull him up from the depths. Every once in a while he would make a short run, straight down and take back everything I had earned.

Twenty minutes later I finally had the fish on top and at the boat. Fabian in the mean time had broken off the fish he had been into and had switched to some kind of plastic bait with no luck. He netted my fish.

We looked around but could see no more amigos so I started up the engine again and dropped my hoochie back. I was almost immediately hooked up again. Fabian threw more hardware at the fish but couldn't get a hookup although he did get some grabs.

The 12 pound female tired quickly and I netted her and released her. It was a quarter to eight and we promised the girls we'd be in by eight thirty so we headed in.

I'll be back out at first light tomorrow.

Oh yeah, my theory about the cooler water must be all wet since we caught the fish in 88 degree water!

Here's a shot of the bull caught on the flyrod.


07-12-2006, 10:20 PM
Hey Jerry,.... What a good lookin' fish. Great smile too. I'll bet tomorrow's report'll really be a good one. :D :D :D :D :D