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View Full Version : Stripah trip with Andy

07-11-2006, 09:53 PM
Went out on my first fly fishing striper trip with Andy this morning. Other than the fact that the idiot gate attendant didn't open the gates and we had to drive all over looking for an open gate, it was a great trip.

Caught my first striper after about 20 minutes of casting. A nice fat 3-4 pounder. Man these bad boys fight hard!!

We saw a lot of huge stripers but couldn't get any to hit or hold onto the fly. Had one large 15 pounder that hit and then proceeded to throw the fly. It was kinda like sex, hours of hard work rewarded by 5 seconds of ecstasy. :lol:

If you guys want to have a great trip with a really hardworking guide that will put you on fish, then you gotta call Andy. If it weren't for my laughable casting skills, we probably would have caught a lot more fish.

BTW, hi David! It was a pleasure meeting you this morning. Hope to see you guys out on the water. This striper thing is really addictive.

David Lee
07-11-2006, 09:57 PM
Congratulations on number 1 !!!

Nice meeting you , as well - When the flows drop ..... let's go get 'em !!

David :D

Jay Murakoshi
07-12-2006, 10:25 PM
I"ll be ready for some striper fishing upon my return from baja. Maybe a lost rooster will be in the american.
I'll be reading the board daily to see where the stripers are at
