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View Full Version : Delta Denizens - Grab those poppers and divers

05-23-2006, 04:22 PM
Well, got out on the Delta today. Trolling motor stayed on the boat this time. :lol:

Tried my usual places near Piper Slough and got some rises and landed one. :)

Went to the dead end of Sand Mound Slough where the water was a little warmer. FINALLY real top water action. :D :D Lots of strikes and landed about six or seven. None worth the camera but most in the one to two pound range. Hooked one that was MUCH bigger but got early season anxious and worked it too hard and got an early release. :( If you fish the area you might catch one with a diver in its lip. As I was about to remove it the fish decided it REALLY like that fly and flipped and broke the leader right at the hook. (Keep those hook eyes clean.) :roll: They aren't hitting just every cast, I only got strikes when I put it where I was aiming. Hey, one out of ten isn't bad, is it? ;-) Really tucked in under trees and near structure. Hooked a few that I lost in the weeds, just part of the Delta experience. 8-[

So it's time to get on the water and watch them splash. =D>

05-23-2006, 07:57 PM
Hey Richard
I was out there today also - working the tullies and rip rap the other side of Quimby Island. There's some nice water over there and shelter from a Westerly blow (Not that you needed it today: perfect weather) Plenty of action and best fish landed went 2.5lb but I wouldn't say it was easy - the bite came in fits and starts and, as you say, the casting needed to be on the mark. In fact I decided today that casting alongside cover aint good enough - you gotta get into the cover. So now I'm busy tying little Kamikaze scarves for all my bugs :lol:
Hope to see you out there some day.

05-23-2006, 09:35 PM
Yep, Mike. I have this sidearm cast that gets about six inches above the water and then sails gently under the brush. I just have to figure out why just before it's supposed to land quietly on the water it jumps up and grabs a branch. :? My three iron has the same habit, of course in that case if there is water around - SPLASH! ](*,)