View Full Version : Kiene Employee

Jay Murakoshi
05-14-2006, 04:25 PM
Kiene employee, Jim Christiansen is down in Baja with me. He hooked and landed a small dorado - around 10lb or so and dropped one. We had 4 dorado around our boat but couldn't get them to eat. My guys are beginneers and had a hard time roll casting, picking up line and getting it back into the water. We also had a few jacks in the 35lb range - landed.
I had one about 30lbs or so but the LC 13 was stretched to the limit and broke in the middle. Also had roosters to the boat.
Much better than last week for dorado and roosters. Oh yeah, we also had a large yellow fin on that almost spooled the guy

Hey Gary F. get you people on practicing roll casting, picking up and firing the line quick

The temperature has risen a good 10 degrees since last week

More later
