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View Full Version : New Classified Advertising Program

Gregg Machel
05-08-2006, 01:27 AM
Kiene's Board Members,

We have installed a new classified advertising program that we will be using instead of the message board.
This new program will give you the ability to sell your gear and communicate directly with potential buyers.
You will also be able to upload a picture (under 100K) and with dimension of (640 x 480) or less.
This will require you to setup an account with a valid email (unfortunately it will not use the same account as the message board here).
The new classified system will also show you the most popular ads, and allow you to search for what you are looking for.
Please take a look at it and start using this immediately.


I will be locking the "classified" topic so we do not duplicate our ads. If you currently have anything that has been put up on the "classified" topic here but not sold yet, please ad it to the new classified system.

If you have any questions or problems with this, email me directly at gregg@kiene.com